Can we finally declare hipsters uncool?

Now they're stuck with their tattoos and their ears look loopy. I know... I know... They might have never been cool. I'm open to debate on that one. Maybe someone will argue they're nerdy instead? I really do not care to hear that. Whatever they are, do not bring down nerds with them.


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Chalk and Cheese

Jan 19, 2017 at 3:44pm

They're a lot of self-obsessed, pretentious twits (though my UK friends would suggest a different spelling for that last word, and I would agree). They always have been. When even one's pretense is ironic (often unconsciously), one really has nothing else going.
They were very profitable for some people. The "Make America Great Again" trucker caps that were Trump campaign swag, became a hot item among the hipster set. Fortunately, by that point I had no respect left for them anyway, so none lost by that.
We nerds are usually clever enough to understand that we're dorky and uncool, even when we're earnest. We even make self-referential jokes about it. No pretense required.
So, yeah, we're unhip. Please leave us separate.

Don't forget

Jan 19, 2017 at 7:26pm

That hipsters discovered the word "cool".

it's a fad

Jan 19, 2017 at 7:32pm

That I can't wait to die out.. classless fashion sense, they look like a bunch of kids trapped in adults bodies, lacking ambition and style. The earrings and tattoos are stupid.. I mean when you're 21 it's great, but when you're 37 your opinion may change..

Plus they are ruining beards.. I had a beard for years before these dofuses made it a trend.. go to a craft beer place and it's all these lookalikes with their dumb beards, tattoos, flannel shirts and suspenders.. you're a bunch of sheep! do any of these types even own a sports jacket or suit? and know how to wear it like with decent shoes, not runners? uuggghh

8 16Rating: -8

Note to Hipsters

Jan 20, 2017 at 2:20pm

You look like you smell bad, too. I'm glad I'm too old to date you, as I don't think I'd enjoy picking food out of your gross, overgrown beard. I'd take an OCD nerd any day over a hipster. At least they shower!

Everybody, GET OVER IT

Jan 21, 2017 at 1:53am

Seriously why do you care? This reminds me of the same judgemental crap people used to say about hippies. Mostly it's more of a style than a full ideology for most people, just like punk and emo and pretty much any other fashion that's ever been known. It too will pass so if you don't like it just look the other way or avoid going to their popular hangouts. DEAL.

Judge not....

Jan 21, 2017 at 2:32pm

....lest ye be judged.

Good words to live by.

11 8Rating: +3

@don't forget

Jan 21, 2017 at 6:15pm

"cool" was from the fifties......"Happy Days " Fonzarelli made it cool again in the 70's

12 8Rating: +4

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