
There's been a lot of talk lately about soulmates. Some believe in it, others think it's just a juvenile belief. I'm not sure exactly where I stand on the subject. I think we might be meant for more than one person in our lifetime. When we are in our 20's we are still finding ourselves and most likely will grow away from the partner we are with and find that we need a different partner to meet our needs. Also, what happens if you settle down in your 20's thinking it is forever then meet your "soulmate" in your 30's or 40's. In your 20's you haven't explored that much out of your circle. How can you know if this one person is the one meant for you for life? Is the person a soulmate if you have a ton in common, the sexual chemistry is extreme, and you can't stop thinking about them after almost 6 years? Or is it just an obsession and infatuation? Maybe there's no such thing as a soulmate and we are just supposed to be work, grow, shift, make concessions, fall into routines, and forget about all the romanticism of the thought of that one person that you were meant to be with.


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Just another silly romantic mystical notion.

Jan 12, 2017 at 12:07pm

Do you also believe the one about " no two snowflakes are alike " ?

Never mind looking for your magical soulmate. You'll do well if you can find a kindred spirit who makes your bacon sizzle. That's as good as it gets.

No such thing as soulmates

Jan 12, 2017 at 12:33pm

No destiny, Karma, afterlife, future life, etc. Just live your present life, and stop over-thinking it. Also, romantic relationships are WAY overrated. There are other forms of love, and more important things in life.

You will

Jan 12, 2017 at 1:27pm

never be satisfied with doubt's like this.


Jan 12, 2017 at 1:40pm

I would love to reconnect. Even though the the wasn't right back then. Maybe now it is. Get ahold of me some how. I am single & have been for awhile. Hopefully we talk soon

i believe it like 20 times over

Jan 12, 2017 at 3:03pm

it takes more than soulmates to make a relationship work either way, and soulmates doesn't make it special, the love , work and what u share (like stories and shit) does.


Jan 12, 2017 at 10:07pm

Nothing is meant to be except death and taxes. Those are the only two things that will find you and that you can't escape from. Everything else in life you have to get for yourself. So many people wait around for some special mystical love to show up... they just end up spending their entire life alone and dying in regret and disappointment.

Lovely romance

Jan 12, 2017 at 11:36pm

I do believe in soul mates in a sense. But I don't overthink it all too much. When I was a teen I was totally longing for "the ONE" and believed that I needed someone to understand me 100% and almost put me on a pedestal haha! But now in my early twenties (I know, still young) I feel like my thoughts are changing constantly as I am learning new things about emotions and how I view love.
I think you really need to cherish a relationship where you overall feel that deep sense of connection and respect. Some people can feel like they have found their soul mate (I feel this way now lol) but instead of question it all the time or feel like it is ridiculous, I try to enjoy every bit of this relationship and think my partner is my true match. So what if things do not go perfect and I have no idea how things may go. I like to just cherish it for what it is and make the most of my happiness. I know...sounds a wee bit cheesy. ;) But what the hey. We are all different.

I think

Jan 13, 2017 at 4:34am

You missed out on bonding and therefore you dont bond with others.


Jan 13, 2017 at 5:28am

Seems like such a cynical society, what's wrong with romance and being genuine. It takes work and effort, great payoff though.


Jan 13, 2017 at 9:33am

Soulmate has written an elaborate version of Will Ferrell's therapist office monologue from Old school.

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