Woman Against Trump - Confused

I'm a little confused. There seems to be such a huge amounts not of woman against Trump, which is unlike any past presidential candidate, yet it seems woman didn't moralize to vote against him. Why? Woman we're split along party lines like any other elections. Seems like woman aren't doing what needs to be done for what it seems like they want. It was completely within control of woman to make sure Trump didn't win if they just decided to vote against him... and the other candidate was a woman!!


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Jan 23, 2017 at 12:15pm

When you can write properly and have learned some grammar and manners!

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Jan 23, 2017 at 1:20pm

Because women in real life don't need to be told who they're allowed to vote for. Women have the right to vote for whoever they want to. That is, in itself, freedom.

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Jan 24, 2017 at 12:42am

That is because they are being told to feel this way by every celebrity, tv show, news cast, social media page, buzzfeed type click bait so called news feeds, and all other forms of media. It isn't their fault as women though, in case you haven't noticed already... the only stuff people(men & women) seem to know anymore are things they pick up through media. I'm not saying trump is good or bad but the message all over everything is to hate trump and be upset about trump so that is how everyone is reacting.

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Jan 24, 2017 at 6:58am

First off Hillary received the popular votes. She received 2.8 million more than Trump. So women did go out and vote. Second of all it's not all about Trump himself. It's about what Trump stands for and represents. The fact that it appears as though North America is going backyards not forwards. He represents a bunch of old cronies who feel it's acceptable to grab women however and whenever they want. They feel it's acceptable to spew hate speech and marginalize any one that does not fit their mold. We all need to stand up and speak out against that type of behaviour and say it's not acceptable. We will not tolerate it! We all deserve respect and to be treated equally.

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