
You weren't getting away with anything. I knew what you were up to. I knew what you would most likely do. I took the chance on you anyway. No, I'm not a psychic mind reader. I'm Just not stupid like the people you surround yourself with. I dealt with your type before. You were obvious and you were predictable. I just had high hopes for you, and that wouldn't actually follow through on your malicious jealousy induced plan for me. But you did, and it hurt. It hurt more than I expected it to, but that's only because it was you.


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when I read these

Mar 24, 2017 at 9:19pm

I always think they are about me. It's a problem. But maybe I am obvious and predictable.

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Mar 25, 2017 at 12:51am


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Mar 25, 2017 at 7:32am

it' s funny that you are all like, "I saw it coming!". It's OK to not see it coming, it's not your fault for someone lying to you or betraying you. It doesn't make them clever or you stupid. It makes them insensitive and an asshole, and you a person who is trustworthy and would expect trustworthiness from other people. Honest people may detect liars less often, it's not because they can't detect them, It's because they think people are more likely to be honest. All i'm saying is getting screwed is not your fault ever. It's a blindsighitng asshole. You didn't see it coming because your a decent person living n decent person world with sophisticated communication skills

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