I don't want to smell you

If you're riding the bus or train, or are going to be in any other place where there's a ton of people crowded in together, please take a moment while dousing yourself with parfume or cologne and consider those who will be around you. Not everyone wants to smell you.


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A car2go user

Apr 7, 2017 at 1:11pm

I got in the car the other morning and the reek of perfume was so pungent I could taste it. Seriously people, what is there to cover up? I'd rather smell B.O. That that!!


Apr 7, 2017 at 1:36pm

No kidding. My wife had a severe allergic reaction to a dough-headed young stewardess on a flight to Europe once. She actually cam eover and asked what she could do to help.

"Take a bath," I told her.

The senior attendant came over and demanded I apologize. I refused and they moved the woman elsewhere. Fifteen minutes later they were appealing on the PA system for a doctor because someone was in medical distress in another part of the plane.

Yes and No

Apr 7, 2017 at 1:46pm

While I agree that being around someone who has "doused" themselves with perfume/cologne (esp if it isn't a pleasant-smelling one) sucks.... I personally like smelling a nice one that is lightly lingering. And I'm more likely to get with a guy who smells good, even if it's from a cologne.

This topic has been discussed before (maybe by you?) but keep posting it if you think it'll stop people.

A sure-fire way....

Apr 7, 2017 at 5:11pm

to solve your problem......stick your head up your ass.


Apr 7, 2017 at 5:44pm

I love fragrances. I own several, and I like it when other people wear a nice fragrance when they go out. I think the problem is when they go overboard with how much they spray on. It's even worse when they are wearing some cheap cologne from the drugstore or Axe body spray. I suspect these are the people that you are talking about OP. Its the people who douse themselves with rancid smelling cheap cologne that give fragrance lovers a bad reputation.

Is that like?

Apr 7, 2017 at 6:31pm

Parfume? Is that like a tasty croissant?

Perfume can be overwhelming but a Parfume. ? That sounds good enough to eat!!


Apr 8, 2017 at 1:24am

it actually hurts my nose when someone with too much cologne sits beside me on the bus-they're living under the delusion that they smell good but they stink...soap and water is good enough..

Hope Joy

Apr 8, 2017 at 9:20am

This society has over-used harsh chemicals in everyday items, dish soap, laundry soap,canned goods, mattresses,cleaners etc all easily absorbed by our bodies, over time we suffer from overload and become acutely sensitive, as am I. Strong scents like perfumes, colognes and soaps send me into a frenzy of symptoms, headache, burning eyes, problems breathing etc. To those people who disparage others who make this claim you need to be dumped in a vat of chemicals for 3 days then see how you fare. When will you get it that every thing on this planet and beyond that is made of molecules is INTERCONNECTED and INTER-DEPENDENT. Watch the 1990 movie called "Mindwalk" on you tube and you might be on your way to understanding Quantum Physics.


Apr 8, 2017 at 9:35am

I got the impression the OP was talking about people who actually apply their parfume on public transit. Which happens and is just so, so mind blowingly inconsiderate. I sat next to a dude who did this and Iended up walking around smelling like Gio all day. Ugh.

Breathing Room

Apr 8, 2017 at 11:07am

I should only be able to smell your perfume/cologne when I hug you. Otherwise you should be handing out gas masks for the rest of us.

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