Contact high

I have a friend who only ever contacts me if they're high or drunk. Whenever they sober up they read my messages they don't respond for days and it really is starting to piss me off. I almost wanted to post that arctic monkeys song to them why do you only call me when you're high but they would probably be oblivious and think I'm just sharing music. I don't know whether to feel used or not. I feel like I'm probably a last resort as they usually message me at very strange hours we hang out get drunk and in the morning I'm asked to leave because they have to get going. I think I'm done with it to be honest. Not into being someone's last priority (if you could even use that word in this case). I think they're a cool person but it's shitty they only seem to think I'm cool when their brain is impaired. Moving on I think.


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May 26, 2017 at 5:45pm

Is this friend aware you think this?

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May 26, 2017 at 10:22pm

Obviously OP told his friend this, then decided to tell us. OP is not going to ghost "friend" and make them figure it out, no way!

0 0Rating: 0

Maybe just maybe

May 28, 2017 at 12:08am

Your friend is pretty damn shy. And when under the influence, they're comfortable enough to engage with you as they feel it to be genuine, only to go back to their old ways once the booze clears out their system, their shyness taking stead.

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Is it a friend

May 28, 2017 at 4:39pm

With benefits ?

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