Kid shaming

**Rant Alert** So let me get this straight: The world is overpopulated and on the brink of environmental destruction on so many fronts; The economic situation for myself and my partner is a struggle; The city is becoming an increasingly hostile place to raise a family; And you think you have the right to shame me for not having children? Take your "it's never the right time" and "you'll only find meaning in life when" comments and shove them. Whether somebody wants to have kids or not is their own business. And please educate yourself on the issues of the day, because they are more than relevant to some of us; they are the focal point of our decision. And I'm talking Climate Change, 6th Mass extinction, Increasingly likely Nuclear war, the rise of fascism, white supremacy, Trump and so on. If you didn't consider those factors before you had kids, well I kind of envy you. You must be living in a nice little bubble.


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You're doing exactly that

May 25, 2017 at 2:19pm

All I see on here are childless people trying to shame others for their choice of having children---never the other way around. You and the other confessors/commenters in the past few weeks have done just that. Your choice to be childless doesn't mean you're not selfish or you're better than others. Your judgmental, holier-than-thou attitude cannot hide your insecurities.


May 25, 2017 at 2:36pm

I find it funny how the most militant anti-everything "greens" usually have 4 or 5 kids....I don't have any kids so I'm already 100 times greener than they


May 25, 2017 at 3:07pm

Two wrongs don't make a right... so someone shamed you and therefore it's okay to shame others on this site for having kids? I have children...but I don't think everyone should. And I firmly believe that no one should have children unless they really want to from the bottom of their hearts. But don't insult us saying we live in a bubble. What did I ever do to you?

"white supremacy, Trump"

May 25, 2017 at 3:34pm

You had all good points up until you started spouting the propaganda from the fascist central intelligence and banker mainstream media agencies. I'm not really into bringing kids into this messed up existence either.


May 25, 2017 at 4:14pm

after reading your confession I'm happy you've decided to not pro-create. You're doing society, and unborn offspring a great service.


May 25, 2017 at 6:31pm

The world is overpopulated...Hm...You go first, please...


May 25, 2017 at 6:56pm

Food insecurity is a thing, damaging consumerism is a thing, relying too much on harmful environmental practices is a thing, but overpopulation is *not*.

In Canada, there are far more old ppl than youths. It's gonna be a problem.


May 25, 2017 at 11:35pm

I say we keep breeding. With an excess of human population, we can cannibalize ourselves and solve world hunger! I don't know why anyone hasn't thought of this before.

18 5Rating: +13


May 26, 2017 at 8:31am

There has always been violence and racism and danger in the world. What the world needs is more compassionate, conscious people and if there are parents who will raise their kids to be that way, then go for it! But yes, if you don't want kids or don't see the point (?) then please refrain.

Craig Takeuchi

May 26, 2017 at 12:56pm

But if people don't have kids, then what will the sea lions eat?

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