Wreck Prick

I saw you at Wreck Beach. Remember? You were masturbating to my friend and I? You were smiling and raising your glass for cheers? Yes you! We took a lovely photo of you. RCMP said it was one of the clearest photos of a pervert they have ever seen. I will be widely sharing your photo. A career in photo journalism is in my future.

When: Saturday, April, 12 2014

Where: Wreck Beach




Apr 14, 2014 at 1:22pm

There are certain rules at Wreck Beach--don't stare and don't take pictures. You've violated both of them. Unless the man specifically called you out to look at him masturbating or stood in your way and compelled you to look, he's done nothing wrong. If you saw him masturbating and now you want to ruin his reputation you are as bad or worse than what you think he is.

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I'd love to see this!

Apr 14, 2014 at 1:28pm

To publicly shame them would be a more serious repercussion than his potential charges, although, he/she might just get of to that!

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Did you read what Hazlit wrote!?

Apr 14, 2014 at 4:02pm

Don't stare and don't take pictures!!!

Wreck beach is full of guys and gals, some of them getting off together, some getting off alone. Seeing a guy masturbating at Wreck Beach is like seeing a Toyota on the road... well guess what, if you don't like Toyota's, get off the fkn road!

It's one thing if this guy was being aggressive and threatening - actually made you fearful... then he's stepped over the line! But if he was just some dood beside the big rock 100m away masturbating... just let it go rather than wanting to publically shame him!

There would have been DOZENS of masturbators at that very moment on Wreck. Also a lot of illegal drug selling and taking. That's one of the wonderful things about Wreck Beach, it's a tiny part of the city where minor indiscretions can play out.

You sound like a prim 12 year old!

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Beach bum

Apr 14, 2014 at 4:32pm

1. It's wreck, enough said.
2. Why don't you post your pic and we can be the judge of whether he was jerkin it to you and your friend. Get over yourself.

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Apr 14, 2014 at 8:34pm

I'm shocked that people would consider it socially acceptable to masturbate at a nude beach.

World-class city indeed.

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Jesus christ

Apr 15, 2014 at 12:54am

Why are people defending this guy? The beauty of nude beaches is that you are free to let it all hang out without having to worry about people exploiting your nudity. And it would be different if he was just jerking it in peace, but no the freak was making an obvious display by cheersing them - his intentions were not so innocent and he turned an inclusive and relaxing environment into some place uncomfortable and unsafe. OP, I'm glad you aren't letting this slide.

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Apr 15, 2014 at 10:24am

to clear this up: he was being aggressive. we didn't just randomly see someone masturbating. he came towards us, he tried to wave us over, he followed us down the beach. it was awful and there was no one else around. wreck is a lovely place and we should be able to visit without feeling invaded. nude does not mean sexually aggressive.

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Apr 15, 2014 at 12:30pm

That's a very different scenario than your original post. I suspect you are exaggerating what you saw because you're getting so much unexpected pushback. If that was your real experience, you would most certainly have written that initially. I think you saw some guy stroking off while looking at you and you didn't like it... fair enough.

My advice, stay away from Wreck Beach

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Apr 15, 2014 at 2:50pm


Maybe you should check out the rules for wreck beach before you spew your holier than thou attitude about beach rules. Here is an example of the rules that you are referring to.

“Show the public that nude is not lewd or rude. No overt sexual activity! Ask regulars, GVRD, or RCMP (604-224-1322) for help.” here’s the website if you want to familiarise yourself some more with wreck beach rules… I strongly suggest it http://www.wreckbeach.org/etiquette.html

The people going to wreck beach aren’t all going there to jerk one off, and if you are going to break the rules that CLEARLY state that you shouldn’t be masturbating and you decide to masturbate anyway or are in very close proximity to others while masturbating, you should ask them if they are cool with it first! If not ….go somewhere more secluded or go do it at home! If that person insists on doing it in public without asking for consent then that person is involving others in a fetish, fantasy, sexual act without consent!

And im sorry to read that some people seem to associate nudity with sexual behaviour. Those two things to not come hand in hand! Just because you are at a nude beach does not mean that sexual activity like masturbation or even sex is ok! If I chose to be nude on the beach I shouldn’t have to worry about a dirt bag who will take advantage of my choice to get off!

And to the person who said that lrm1 exaggerated. Shame on you. Way to blame the victim! It makes me think that the reason you are so defensive is because maybe you are one of those people who think that you have the right to do whatever you want without thinking of the impact on other people, or maybe you just don’t give a shit. So my advice is maybe you should stay away from wreck beach. Because I know that I would feel a lot better while enjoying the lovely sand on my naked body at wreck beach, knowing that assholes like you or the person who masturbated to lrm1 WERENT there.

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quit defending this perv

Apr 15, 2014 at 3:09pm

creeps like him are ruining the things wreck stands for! We're free and we're naked and we can be like this with no harm done! Yet someone making one of those freedom-fighters feel uncomfortable by jerking it to them is totally going against all that. it's showing everyone that we cant live as people, genderless and naked, that society isnt ready for something like this.

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