Sham-Weezy, can we be friends?!

I was a bit beshpongled at the time of our encounter - and it did nothing for my ability to communicate clearly - particularly as a tempestuously adorable other presence intermittently interjecting took through my topic like a hurricane. I am interested in you though; not strictly in a "I'd like to hook up" sense, but I found your relaxed and intelligent demeanor very appealing. I am trying to make more friends. I won't get butt-hurt and abusive if you're not interested in a more sexual connection. I DID *feel* a connection, though - like "Woah, this is an interesting mind! (dude, you rocked to Op Ivy. YUP!) I'd like to get to know her better!" and I'd rather it not just turn to dust. K?

When: Friday, July, 11 2014

Where: The Giggle Dome
