Crazy Lady on the 03 Downtown

A crazy elderly lady boarded the number 3 bus heading north on 14th & Main & started ranting about how parents don't protect their babies and how it messes up the children. We looked at each other, laughed and made conversation about her rant. I stood by the exit door & you sat in one of the seats by the front. Your friend Nick (?) got on the same bus on broadway and main. You had a ring on your middle finger, a dress & brown hair. I had a floral shirt, burgundy maxi skirt and a rainbow wrist band. I thought you were pretty and regret not getting your number. Hope you find this!

When: Friday, August, 22 2014

Where: 03 Bus on 14th and Main



What can I say?

Aug 23, 2014 at 1:41pm

Wow you both thought a elderly women who obviously suffered from a mental was hilarious & revered to her as crazy, well when you both meet again, you can make jokes about the mentally ill & how "crazy" you think they are.
Oh well, I guess you can't be expected to have compassion.
I just hope the day doesn't come when you suffer from a mental illness.
Sounds like you two would be a good match

0 0Rating: 0

Some people

Aug 24, 2014 at 11:12am

who self-identify as compassionate are unbearably sanctimonious and condescending in their their dealings with others.

The communication between the OP and the person they're looking for didn't do anything to hurt anyone's feelings, while the "compassionate" critic goes out of their way to.