Kingsgate Mall Liquor Store

You were in line buying a case of beer I think (big yellow box). Super handsome face, tattoo on your left forearm and I think I could see a large circular tattoo between your shoulder blades through your shirt, greenish shorts and flip flops, short sandy blonde hair and rocking some stubble. Unfortunately there was a woman standing between us who took ages to buy her 1 bottle and you were gone by the time I was out. I was there to buy wine for a dinner party and was rocking a pretty messy look as I was just out for supplies, a red ball cap, blue T, chucks and cut offs. I clean up pretty good & I know you like beer so lets grab a couple and hang out. I also have a wicked sense of humour, am fully employed, and will be very nice to you. Unless you are a jerk, then you are on your own.

When: Sunday, September, 7 2014

Where: 1245 at Kingsgate Mall BCLS
