Excellent Manners

To the young man in the green sweater and brown shoes, carrying a black backpack: Tonight on the Skytrain toward King George between 8:30 and 9 it was really crowded, and you could have sat the whole time but you gave up your seat not once but twice to the seniors coming aboard. You even insisted one man take your seat as you stood sardined by the doors. I was and still am very impressed by you. So rarely do I see such chivalry and all around common courtesy in this town. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity, even just for tonight. I was the woman with the red scarf and denim blazer, sitting not too far from you. If not for the huge age difference between us, I would ask you out at the drop of a hat! Stay classy, and you will go far. Thank you again for being one of the good ones out there.

When: Wednesday, October, 1 2014

Where: Skytrain

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