In the line up to register to vote at Britannia....

You were behind me in line November 15th to vote in the municipal election. You were wearing a lovely colourful scarf. I asked you who to vote for and you told me to vote for Meena. You were on your break from work at Sweet Cherubim. Every time I try to come in to ask you out, you are either hidden in the back of kitchen, or there is a crazy rush and you're too busy and I don't want to bother you. Besides, it was so long ago, you probably wouldn't recognize me, but hopefully you remember our brief but pleasant encounter.

When: Saturday, November, 15 2014

Where: Britannia




Dec 9, 2014 at 9:02pm

I work at sweet cherubim; I know that this post isn't about me but if you tell me a little bit more about her appearance I can pass the message on!

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