99 to Boundary Wednesday 5:20ish Purple Dress

I have never been in a position where I didn't approach a woman whom I wished to meet until now. You were sitting just behind the articulated section in the left-hand window seat. You were wearing a purple dress with some red in the pattern carrying a partially orange backpack. I got on at Granville and you got off at Heather we exchanged a couple of smiles in the short ride but the crowd prevented me from getting close enough to speak. It is most likely they were smiles of shared discomfort on a crowded bus but I decided to give this a shot. If I had time tomorrow or Friday I would try the 99 in hopes of seeing you but this is the only option for the moment. Your dress was great but your eyes and smile were amazing and I would love to have the chance to meet in circumstances where we can talk.

When: Wednesday, June, 3 2015

Where: 99 to Boundary
