
From the first time you came into my work I've been uncontrollably attracted to you. I've seen you around in the past few months and every time our eyes lock and I get a stupid smile and the words can't get past my heart in my throat. This time I saw you at your work. You looked stunning in you lit a candle for our table and I nervously made paper bugs. Your accent drives me crazy.

When: Saturday, August, 1 2015

Where: Main st. restaurant



that word doesn't mean what you think it does

Aug 8, 2015 at 10:07am

uncontrollably, huh? So you have NO control over your attraction to her. Most folks aren't attracted to other folks who claim they cannot control their attraction. Sounds rapey and stalker-y. Maybe a smile and a hi would would work better than claiming lack of control.

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Aug 9, 2015 at 4:52pm

Sounds creepy and also 'your xxx drives me crazy' line
seriously, eh?? Some girls might take that as an offense if your not careful with your words enough so either reword it or leave it out.

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