Electrician fixing Cardero St. power line

You were in a crew of three, wearing a beige khaki shirt, dark beard, dark pants and a green hard hat, to fix the snapped power line on Cardero St. between Nelson and Barclay from about 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm. I watched the repair from an open window near the trucks (fascinating!). You looked up a couple of times, I smiled back and later walked in front of your truck (jean shorts, scarf, dark green jacket and umbrella) while you were finishing up a call. Got a lovely smile from you that I’m having a hard time forgetting! I should have knocked on your window to say hi and a big thank you for the hard work so here it is! If you see this, I'd love to treat you to a beer as an actual thanks! Please high five your team for me too. :)

When: Sunday, August, 30 2015

Where: Cardero Street, between Barclay and Nelson

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