A Beautiful Sunday Morning

It was a lovely Sunday morning in downtown. Going to Church was never been so exciting until I met this gorgeous lady by my side, neither do I expect to pay as close attention to anyone during a Sunday mass. But things just started to become more exciting when I exited the building, run for a cup of coffee, and just try to forget about you, when suddenly, as I walk to the corner of Granville and W Pender, there you are on your phone, holding a cup of iced coffee. We had a very brief moment to introduce ourselves... But that's about it, too bad I didn't get your number, but hopefully, we could still bump into each other someday. I hope you'll get a chance to read this, Nicole.

When: Saturday, August, 22 2015

Where: West Pender



typical catholic

Sep 1, 2015 at 1:33pm

youre supposed to be focusing on god while in mass not lusting after another member of the congregation! shame on you!!

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Sep 2, 2015 at 2:17am

I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr. / Ms. Typical Catholic. My apologies if I broke your heart for posting this message. But I didn't intend to put shame on our religion, in fact I was very careful on my words when I posted this. I don't think I said anything malicious or anything that would make God forsake me for whatever reason. And the feeling that I had for that person is admiration and not lusting (I believe they're easily misunderstood nowadays), it's totally different. I honestly need to pray harder for all the things that are happening in my life right now, and that's why I go to Church. However, as a person, I also respect your opinion for this matter, and I hope you do the same.

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