I was sitting outside of Sweet Cherubim on commercial drive and had just finished writing a post card. You walked by just as I looked up and we smiled at each other. Me: short hair, bike helmet, black turtle neck, flip phone. You: curly blonde hair, adorable, wearing blue I think, not super tall. After that one look you kept turning around and smiling at me looking very interested or curious about something. Me, being intrigued by you, I smiled curiously back. You continued walking down commercial and kept turning around every few steps smiling a great big smile and I kept looking back at you smiling great big smiles back and I know we both wanted to say something but instead I got on my orange bike and biked up the drive and you kept walking down the opposite way. Your excitement excited me and I wish one of us said something! But I left thinking "I'll see him again", so now I write this in hopes that you are someone who still reads the newspaper :').

When: Tuesday, April, 19 2016

Where: Sweet Cherubim Commercial Drive
