want mor

I was on the canada line, near the bike sect. You two were sisters (not in the genetic sense.. (though I guess I shouldn't assume). You were taking up the bike storage area and wrapping up your conversation about jesus christ with a lady while I shared a long-lasting affirming gaze with another woman and her bike ;p I waited a couple of minutes debating whether I should break ice, -- oh thank odin, an elder (no latter day saint) gets on. I give up my seat "where are you guys headed?" You are a red head from florida and your sister is a curly blonde from pennsylvania? I am me, with a pathless land, brown hair and a contact lens that folded over itself in one eye. I understand you're on a mission, but from our brief exchanges you struck me as an open mind, pragmatic human! unsure about your sister, but I'd love to get philosophical -no judgement or proselytizing- on some grass, sunny day, we're eating apples and peanut butter. Life is awesome.

When: Thursday, April, 21 2016

Where: on the canada line

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