"rapping girl" crossing street (Cambie & Broadway)

We crossed the street at Cambie & Broadway together at about 10:45 pm Thursday night. I told you that you were "rapping" and we started to talk. You liked my "peoples skills" and I gave you my number... I then told you that I was in a hurry to go to work, and then I jokingly said some none sense before I left (like you want my number in case I get famous one day,...) I didn't mean to say what I did, I was just really tired from working 16 hrs the night before, so I was not thinking straight. I also realized that I had to go to work. I loved your personality and amazing smile (although I never told you this). In the 1 in a Billion chance you see this, I would so much love to talk with you again... If its you, please let me know what we quickly talked about, or what you (or I) look like, or something to know its you :) you really made an amazing impression on me and I wish I didn't say what I did!

When: Thursday, May, 19 2016

Where: Cambie & Broadway (crossing the street)

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