ATTN: Cute Phibbs bus boy with glasses who almost alwaaaays reads the morning paper

I've been coerced by my co-workers to post this, so: I've seen you get off at Kootenay Loop and back on the same bus as me every day I've worked my summer job. After the bus stops at Phibbs, you line up for the 239 and I go off to take a different bus. You wear a lot of button-ups, thick-rimmed glasses, have blue eyes, and are almost always reading the newspaper on the bus (: You've looked over a few times (I think) but I am the actual worst at talking to strangers for the first time :$ I think you're super cute! And we should go for coffee if you ever see this. Maybe. Possibly.

When: Wednesday, June, 1 2016

Where: Kootenay Loop Bay 8

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