99 BLine - YOU: blackhatted, redhead, charming eavesdropper

Boarding the 99BLine at Commercial/Broadway this morning just after 11am, my friend and I were the last to scramble on because I was loading my bike. You were sitting in the articulated-hips section of the bus, and as we walked past you, I was laughing and said something to my friend about how I wasn't *that* hungover. You said something complimentary and I told you how much nicer you are than my friend, and then I commended you for such a lovely black and grey hat. Sadly you got off well before the end of the line -- clearly I was hungover enough that my reaction time was tooooo slooooow to ask you for your number. Want to go somewhere and eavesdrop together? I like your chutzpah. [Me: black jacket + toque, grey tights, clunky snowboots, hangover glasses]

When: Wednesday, February, 8 2017

Where: 99 BLine Westbound, Commerical Broadway station

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