1200 kcal

We were at the NDP rally on election night. I was standing with my ginger friend and you were somewhere near us. I thought that you were with the press because you were wearing a name tag, or maybe it was because you looked so cosmopolitan in your pyjama pants and fancy shoes. Somebody gave you a beer, then you stood right in front of me and took off your jacket, and I saw you had an elephant tattoo. I knew I had to say something to you, so I turned to my friend and started talking to him about a coalition or something. Good thing that one of us doesn't mind starting conversations with strangers. 1200kcal+ later and I'm sitting here thinking that even though I have your phone number, this is the best way to get in touch with you. I hope you find your phone.

When: Tuesday, May, 9 2017

Where: Downtown

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