Blue stripes and hula hoops at Wreck

You had short, blonde hair and glasses and seemed to like blue stripes (both your shirt and your towel). I sat with two girlfriends right in front of you and was hula hooping close to you much of the day. You seemed to enjoy watching me hoop; I enjoyed watching you put your clothes on and off. You had your iPod on and I wondered what you were listening to. You also had a beautiful mouth that I thought would be lovely to kiss. And I thought a couple times about just walking up to you and doing it but I didn't have the nerve.... We exchanged glances and a sweet smile as you left. I wish I had at least said hi. Perhaps you will see this or we will meet again at Wreck. If this is you, get a hold of me and include a detail about the day that will let me know you're real, i.e. What colour was my hoop, my bikini bottom, etc... :)

When: Wednesday, July, 28 2010

Where: Wreck Beach
