I'm still gay you know..

You told me you're gay but I think you liked me. It was great dancing with you around the corner and you held my hand before you left. A good hand hold like the type where your fingers open up and get right in the cresent of the groove of the other persons fingers and you do it at the same time without even looking at each other. Super nice. I hope to meet you again. Btw I'm actually a boy

When: Monday, December, 27 2010

Where: Commercial



Hi Jeff

Dec 31, 2010 at 12:23am

I can't figure out a nice way to say this, so I'll just say that no, I did not like you. I mostly found you really pushy and socially awkward, seeing as how you apparently can't read the most basic social clues. I have nothing against meeting you again and you're a nice guy, but please don't come onto me again.

1 17Rating: -16