Your horoscope for May 30 to June 5, 2013

The stars have been fully loaded for the entirety of May. Sprinting into its fourth sign of the month on Friday, Mercury, the informant planet, has been clipping along at an especially brisk pace as of late. It will now tenant Cancer until August 8. This extended stay is due to the next retrograde cycle, which takes place June 26 to August 8. Plan accordingly while there is ample time. The next week is optimal for getting a move on regarding real estate, major purchases, banking, contracts, et cetera.

Also on Friday, Mars advances into mobilizing Gemini. Through the middle of July, Mars perks up trade, commerce, and communication tracks. It sets a more vibrant atmosphere for socializing, promoting, and networking. On Sunday, Venus advances into Cancer. Along with Mercury in this water element sign, we can expect emotions to ride on the surface. Cancer correlates to all matters to do with home, family, food, nurturing, domestic and national matters, safety, security, attachments, and self-preservation.

Thursday through Saturday, the transiting Pisces moon keeps the pace running smoothly. Sunday/Monday, the transiting Aries moon keeps the spark lit. You can coast if you want to, but know that on Monday, Mercury, Neptune, and Saturn facilitate an ease of communication and accomplishment. If you choose to apply yourself, it can be an especially creative and productive day. The stars will continue this positive trend through mid-week.

March 19 - April 19

Out of sight or low-key hits it right until Saturday, but by Sunday the Aries moon sets you into action. Mars in Gemini keeps you busy with people, plans, and projects through the middle of July. Monday is your most productive day for talks, banking, or creative endeavours. Over the next two months, a specific home matter or family member requires more from you.

April 19 - May 20

Mars leaves Taurus on Friday, but you’ll continue to feel charged with added get-up-and-go. As a bonus, Mars in Gemini will help you juggle or multi-task better. With Venus in Cancer, you’ll find you’re better able to sense, feel, connect, and communicate, especially so Monday through Wednesday. A supportive friendship, sibling, or professional relationship knits tighter now.

May 20 - June 20

Starting Friday, Mars in Gemini hits your refresh button. It could take a few days before things get up to full speed, but know that Mars will increase your physical activity and keep life on a faster go through the middle of July. On Friday/Saturday, time can simply evaporate. Sunday/Monday, dive into it. Mercury trine Neptune and Saturn blends inspiration with opportune timing.

June 20 - July 22

Having extra time to look around and feel your way along is ideal. Through Saturday, free yourself up as best you can. Venus in Cancer, starting Sunday, begins an attraction and opportunity cycle. Sunday/Monday gets the ball rolling. Tuesday through Thursday, Venus and Mars are fuelled with karmic potency. The conditions are set, but it’s up to you to make it happen.

July 22 - August 22

Start a fresh look/see or meet and greet. You should find there’s more on the market for you now. Mars in Gemini, starting Friday, mobilizes both your social life and your financial opportunities. Venus in Cancer, starting Sunday, helps you reach a more satisfying emotional level. Sunday/Monday, let intuition and spontaneity take the lead. Don’t hesitate. If it feels right, go for it.

August 22 - September 22

Roll with it Thursday through Saturday and make it easy on yourself. As of Sunday, it’s time to get more ambitious. Through the middle of July, Mars in Gemini requires that you stay goal-oriented. In the coming weeks, distractions are likely to increase. It’s not a problem Sunday through Wednesday, though. In fact, you’ll keep it together and hit your target very well.

September 22 - October 22

Do what comes naturally and what works easiest for you through Saturday, and skip the rest. By Sunday, you’ll start to pick up better momentum. Mars opens communication lines and increases your options and social opportunity. Venus in Cancer helps you establish better support and rapport. Monday is an ideal day to work things out or talk to someone in charge.

October 22 - November 21

Even with something unexpected tossed into the mix on Sunday, you should find yourself on an extended good roll Thursday through next Wednesday. Venus in Cancer increases your social popularity, your financial prospects, and your dealings with long-distance folk. Monday can bring answers, results, or news. It’s a good time to sign a contract or make a major decision.

November 21 - December 21

Mars shifts the concentration off of health and work and draws more attention to your social activities. You should find you have more to communicate and better opportunity to get a decent dialogue going, especially on Monday. Personal or financial motivation comes readily, too. Someone in particular can make an impression or spur you to action. A competitive edge sometimes translates into positive fuel.

December 21 - January 20

The end of the workweek should be a breeze. Entertainment and conversation are easy to come by. Mars in Gemini, starting Friday, spurs you to better your best. You’ll keep on a productive race through mid July. Venus in Cancer, starting Sunday, opens emotional floodgates. Monday through Wednesday, go by feel. You’ll piece things together very well.

January 20 - February 18

Mars in Gemini, starting Friday, brings you a refreshing personal, social, and creative boost. You should find that life and love pick up speed. Common ground and same-page accord can be more readily found. On Monday, negotiate a deal, nail down a purchase or plan, take a test, or talk to someone in charge.

February 18 - March 19

Thursday through Saturday, the Pisces moon keeps you in a vibrant flow. Life picks up speed and so do you, thanks to Mars in Gemini starting Friday. Through the end of June, Venus in Cancer boosts your romance and creativity. Sunday shifts the energy. Monday is productive for talks and laying the groundwork.



Who to believe?

May 30, 2013 at 7:04pm

I gutted a chicken and the entrails indicated my horoscope "reading" was completely off-base.

Which one is a more valid predictor of future events?

Or should I use tea leaves as a tie breaker?

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May 31, 2013 at 3:01pm

You should use a psychic who is the seventh son of seventh son, born under a bad moon, whose name has an auspicious number of letters, and who did not direct the NDP campaign for Adrian Dix.

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