Your horoscope from September 10 to 16, 2015

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      The workings of an eclipse can be witnessed prior to, during, or after the actual event. Typically, a solar eclipse is event-generating, especially in the outer-world context, while a lunar eclipse tends to be action-producing regarding personal-life matters. Of course, both eclipses can be major catalysts for outer-world or private-world affairs.

      When an eclipse path travels near either pole, it holds global impact. With it travelling near the South Pole, we have already witnessed the workings of this Saturday’s solar eclipse in Virgo. A photograph of one small, innocent victim (Virgo) has launched the call to attention for a humanitarian tsunami. This eclipse is in direct opposition to Chiron in Pisces, the wounded-healer/healing-crisis archetype. Always of particular poignancy, Chiron in Pisces will raise and attune mass consciousness in some significant and targeted way (as it did for Princess Diana’s death and so many other notable events).

      A solar eclipse marks births and deaths, endings and beginnings of significance. My deepest wish is that this is an iconic and lasting moment for kindness, compassion, and humanitarian outpouring.

      Expect to see a lot more action out of Saturday’s eclipse, now and in the coming weeks. Next Wednesday and Thursday are particularly triggered. Jupiter/Neptune keeps it in the category of big, substantial, and/or major. Swinging from one extreme to another, Mercury in Libra begins retrograde next Thursday. Also on this day, Saturn ends a two-and-a-half-year transit through Scorpio and steps fully into Sagittarius. Consider this Saturn transit as writing the future in stone.

      March 20 - April 20

      As stated above, thanks to Saturday’s solar eclipse, this next work, health, and improve-it/fix-it cycle holds much more potency than usual. Up-front effort will net you better-than-average returns. Over the weekend or mid next week, the eclipse can reveal or expose something that necessitates immediate attention; see it as a saving grace. Wednesday/Thursday, allow yourself extra time.

      April 20 - May 21

      The solar eclipse can bring a sense that an ultimate goal or dream is now showing more visible signs of fruition. On the other hand, it may spark a growing awareness that something or someone much cherished is slipping away from you. Either way, what’s meant to be is now on an acceleration track. Mid next week cranks it up big-time.

      May 21 - June 21

      Marking a more definitive line in the sand regarding where you’ve come from and where you’re headed, your personal and professional lives gain a big boost from Saturday’s solar eclipse in Virgo. Expect to stay busy with both, especially through the rest of the month. Next Wednesday/Thursday can open a door or a floodgate. Welcome or not, the past resurfaces.

      June 21 - July 22

      No matter how daunting or uncertain it may feel right now, change is necessary; change is a big step in the right direction. Dream big, aspire higher, work with a new agent or adviser, relocate for better opportunity. The future is full of promise, but even so, make sure to keep it real. Mercury retrograde, starting next Thursday, could cause backtracking or second-guessing.

      July 22 - August 23

      An intensified self-development/self-improvement chapter begins with Saturday’s solar eclipse. As it unfolds, you’ll learn to hone resources and skill sets that have been underutilized or overlooked. Personal, material, and relationship health and wealth upgrades are on the priority work schedule. Venus and Mars in Leo continue to bolster, assist, and reward you. Wednesday/Thursday, some things are clear, some are not.

      August 23 - September 23

      Saturday’s solar eclipse holds great promise, especially regarding personal purpose, a vocational specialty, or a relationship correction. All new initiatives, improvements, and upgrades are favoured. The now also launches a significant health or heal-it chapter. Wednesday/Thursday, something could give way unexpectedly. Stay receptive, explore options, give benefit of the doubt, but make no commitments. Check your blind spots; think safe and safety first.

      September 23 - October 23

      Can’t decide or can’t put your finger on it? Over the next week or few, you’ll get a lot more clued in. Saturday’s solar eclipse is exposing. You can be more vulnerable to viruses, bacteria, and pollutants, more susceptible to drugs and such. Stay clean, stay clear, and play it safe in all matters to do with health or information-sharing.

      October 23 - November 22

      A project, a goal, a new lifestyle or income stream is shaping up. By all means, go where the getting looks good. Of course, moving on to next or new comes preloaded with extra work, but it’s likely to be something you can sink into with relish. Mercury retrograde, starting Thursday, is good for repeats and building on a previous success.

      November 22 - December 21

      A new reality is shaping up. It comes with added pressure or strings attached, but it’s one that feels destined to be. Whether it produces now, later, and/or in the not-too-far-off future, Saturday’s solar eclipse will underscore this fact. Wednesday/Thursday can be momentous, challenging, and/or redirecting. Saturn in Sagittarius cements your time-has-come moment.

      December 21 - January 20

      Consider Saturday’s affirming solar eclipse the official launch of a new adventure. All matters to do with travel, business expansion, education, training, volunteer work, or spiritual quests are highly favoured. The eclipse can also increase your public exposure or social network in some substantial way. Wednesday/Thursday can change it a little or a lot.

      January 20 - February 18

      Are you getting the goods out of your paycheque or your relationship? Aim to work smarter, not harder. While you keep searching for how, do what you can now. A small step can make a world of difference—it can domino into something quite effective. Be patient with the process. Mid next week could bring unexpected news.

      February 18 - March 20

      It’s an auspicious time to develop new inroads and upgrade how you present yourself to the world. A new social cycle, learning curve, or key relationship chapter begins with Saturday’s solar eclipse. New projects or studies are also favoured. Wednesday/Thursday can be a big time for travel, a public event, or meet-and-greets.



      PlayTool 7

      Sep 11, 2015 at 11:48am

      As always – big thumbs up to ‘The Straight’ for a lengthy/critical eye presenting some of the classiest astrologers of our times. Those who constantly ‘thumb down’ these comments should actually post their dissonance and make an intelligent recommendation.

      an intelligent recommendation

      Sep 11, 2015 at 11:29pm

      Stop reading Horoscopes, they're worthless.

      Name the mechanism by which they work - I challenge you.

      I like the Straight, but personally, I give a big thumbs down to the Straight for publishing these "astrologers" and giving them an air of legitimacy that they most certainly do not deserve.

      Why not print tarot readings, tea leaf readings, and chicken entrails-derived predictions too?

      "Astrology consists of several *pseudoscientific* systems of divination based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world."

      PlayTool 7

      Sep 12, 2015 at 3:54am

      According to science's Big Bang theory - the unfolding of the universe is already fixed. We obviously don't have ALL the available nuances to decipher ALL the predictions.

      The moon (for example) has such a gravitational force that it elongates the entire planet to raise the oceans a considerable amount. The planets stay fixed in place because of the gravitational fields of the surrounding planetary fields. These are as predicable as the Earth rotations we use to measure time. How could anything be exempt from these fields?

      EVERYTHING is an atomic structure (magnetic fields) - intertwined with the magnetic forces and currents of everything around us. Different compositions have different tones - hence you and me for example. Why wouldn't a planet's composition have a particular tone (or character if you prefer)? The interaction of these characters in their seasonal rearrangements produce a somewhat predictable mix for the tone of the times.

      There are many types of readings that can present 'the tone of the times' but it takes personal intuition to attach personal renderings to their flow. They are sciences in themselves. Like any science - growing curiosity is key to discovery.

      No Name

      Sep 13, 2015 at 3:33am

      Horoscopes are fun. Well written ones, such as the Straight Stars column, are both entertainment and pause for positive reflection about your coming week. No need for so much drama, enjoy the read (I read four horoscopes and pretend I'm each sign) and get on with your life.

      @Playtool 7 is right

      Sep 13, 2015 at 7:29pm

      Everything is connected, everything is one. @anintelligentrecommendation, how can you say with certainty that astrology is not real, when there is SO much that we don't know/understand about the workings of our universe? You seem to be very closed-minded…which is a horrible trait. I'd recommend opening your mind and having fun with the whimsicality that life really is.