Your horoscope for March 6 to 12, 2014

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      After four months of reconciling with Capricorn’s reality, Venus has finally made the trek into Aquarius. Jupiter in Cancer has also spent four months taking stock of essential needs, ending its retrograde cycle on Thursday. Both are now sufficiently replenished and fuelled for action.

      The situation in Ukraine has been a prime demonstration of the stars on a major switch-up and how things can turn on a dime. It’s just the beginning, folks.

      Springtime delivers the peak of the 2012 to 2015 Uranus-Pluto transit. We have yet to see how altered our personal and collective realities will become over the next couple of months, but be reminded that the stars are as dynamic, catapulting, and opportune as they were in the radical and revolutionary ’60s.

      Now through Saturday, keep the dialogue and connection going, gather more information, and let time do its job. Daylight Saving Sunday could put things on chill, but watch for Monday to hit it full thrust. If you don’t experience a quiet and cozy Sunday, it’s because five planets are already on the gear-up. Monday’s intensity peaks come early and very late.

      Monday evening, Mercury and Saturn square off, completing a platform-building cycle that began at the end of January. Immediately following this push-through or punch-through, a sharper sense of direction is gained. The productive week ahead can get us a lot closer to where we need to and want to be.

      March 20 - April 19

      If you find yourself thinking and feeling your way along new lines, then you’re well aligned with your stars. The best way to redesign your life is to redesign yourself first. Venus, freshly into Aquarius, helps you do just that. Social life and financial prospects also get a fresh boost now. Monday, you’ll earn it. Tuesday onward, you’ll make good progress.

      April 19 - May 20

      Venus in Aquarius brings today’s reality into fuller light. Jupiter in Cancer increases the desire, the need, and the resources. Moving it forward requires taking a risk on the uncharted, but isn’t every choice a gamble? Make liberated, free, clear, and clean your top priorities. Formidable pressure builds through Monday. By Tuesday, you’re on a complete switch-up.

      May 20 - June 21

      It’s time to freshen up the message, the conversation, or the presentation. Mercury continues in social Aquarius for another 10 days and attraction planet Venus does so for the next month. Both increase your ability to connect, create, gain, and prosper, but first Mercury has to sort it out with Saturn, the reality-check planet. Past Monday, your stars hit Go.

      June 21 - July 22

      These past four months of Jupiter retrograde have given you an opportunity to take a look at yourself and your future. For the same time frame, Venus in Capricorn has given you a more sober look at relationships, finances, ambitions, commitments, and goals. Both planets are on the move, and you should be too. By Monday/Tuesday, the stars push you past another hurdle.

      July 22 - August 22

      Now through April 5, Venus in Aquarius boosts your social life. It also gives you an opportunity to test-drive a new side of yourself. Upgrades of all kinds are well timed, attitude included. Jupiter strengthens inner security and increases your intuitive take on things. Monday forces you to push through. Priorities need to be addressed. By Tuesday, you’ll have it sorted out.

      August 22 - September 22

      Try something a new way; it could prove to be quite an improvement. Look to Jupiter and Venus to assist you where it does you the most good. Monday pinpoints it. Once past the hurdle, correction, or hard start, relief follows. Even though there’s more work and a full-moon weekend ahead, you should find you make much better progress from here.

      September 22 - October 23

      Communicate what’s on your mind, put it out there, give it a try. Jupiter loans you more security and confidence. Helping you gain favour and positive attention, and make good progress in matters of heart and wallet, Venus, your ruler, is in a strong position now through the beginning of April. Even so, know that Monday’s stars are particularly hard-edged.

      October 23 - November 22

      Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio are building significant pressure or steam. The start of the new week delivers your answer, result, deadline, ultimatum, confirmation, and/or Go signal. Until then, stay open-ended, keep a close eye on yourself, and let the moment play itself out. Once it’s spoken, settled, released, or unleashed, the rest falls into place quite readily.

      November 22 - December 21

      In a holding pattern no longer, Jupiter and Venus will help you to better gains, especially regarding finances, home, family, an intimate relationship, and/or a matter dear to the heart. Better support can be found, but first there’s an important conversation or negotiation to broach, an announcement or decision to make, or a paper to sign. Monday calls for a big push.

      December 21 - January 19

      You’ve been building it for a while, and now you’ll gain a much better sense of where to take it next. The end of Jupiter retrograde increases your financial, personal, social, and professional options. A key relationship, learning curve, or financial track hits a growth spurt now too. Monday thrusts you over a definitive, no-turning-back threshold.

      January 19 - February 18

      As of Thursday’s sudden burst or spurt, you’ll make faster, better tracks. Venus and Mercury springboard you onto something new and exceptionally opportune, perhaps unexpectedly so. First, though, there’s an important threshold to cross or challenge to surpass. Monday hits it full thrust. Tuesday onward, the brakes come off. You’ll find yourself on an upswing for the rest of the week.

      February 18 - March 20

      The end of Jupiter retrograde launches your next growth spurt. Life, love, opportunity, and the potential for greater personal fulfillment lead you onto a new track. Monday is a breakthrough, eventful, or results-producing day. Defining the shape of things to come, once past this threshold, you’re on to a produc­tive and lucrative week ahead.
