Your horoscope for August 3 to 9, 2017

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      Christy Clark has chosen Friday (August 4) as her last day on the job, which is befitting for Jupiter’s last corner turn with Pluto, a threshold crossing that has been in the works since late November.

      Jupiter/Pluto can bring you to the conclusion that there is no more to gain from continuing along the same line, that you’ve witnessed enough, have taken it as far as you can, that it’s now time to redirect attention and efforts. Conversely, perhaps you’ve reached a constructive turning point or goal post; now that platform is well laid, it is time for the move-in or move-on-it phase.

      Either way, Jupiter/Pluto greatly amps up motivation, ambition, necessity, obsession, and control-it and empowerment agendas.

      On the heels of Jupiter/Pluto, Monday delivers a lunar eclipse in Aquarius. Both keep the buzz going strong for Vancouver’s Pride Parade and local festivities. They also keep the political and social action well sparked.

      Uranus in Aries, ruler of Aquarius and ruler of the lunar eclipse, has recently turned retrograde. It is an inversion, implosion, or refortify from within archetype. When optimized it can prompt a more consciously directed, cut-to-the-chase sharp-shoot. Mars closely aligned with the eclipse also keeps the fuse well lit. Bringing the crowds out in big numbers, Jupiter in Libra keeps the excitement going strong, increases spending, mobility, opportunity, and profits.

      Eclipses produce sweeping, fast, and lasting change. They can hold shock value or they can deliver exceptional opportunity. The days that follow dish up mostly smooth-running stars, but know that Mercury retrograde starts next Saturday and that there is another, more dynamic eclipse on the way.

      March 20 - April 20

      A major lifestyle change has been under way for some time now. A new consciousness is also on the rise. Monday’s lunar eclipse and the days preceding it can hit that reality home. Watch for a fresh spark or fuse to produce an instant hit. Jupiter’s contribution to the lunar eclipse suggests that you can bring yourself and/or it back to life with ease.

      April 20 - May 21

      Welcome to the official end of life as you knew it and the official springboard of your new reality. Even if you feel that’s an overstatement, it is likely to ring true at some level. The eclipse effect can be especially life-altering if your birthday falls on or near April 30 but, of course, it is a catalyst for all.

      May 21 - June 21

      Beyond being an excellent time for a vacation or for celebrating with loved ones, Monday’s lunar eclipse can springboard you in some exceptional and synchronistic way. It could spark life-altering news or opportunity, a windfall, a communication breakthrough, or a stroke-of-genius moment. Someone or something special could make your day. What launches now holds great potential. Go for it with all your heart.

      June 21 - July 22

      Its been gearing up and creating impact for weeks now. Have you felt it? Likely you have. Bringing matters to a peak, Monday’s eclipse can pull the plug or strike flint, in an undercurrent or dramatic way. Jupiter supports your reinvention, making it easier not only to open up and entertain, but, more importantly, to forge a new way of being, creating, and living.

      July 22 - August 23

      If your birthday falls on or near Monday’s lunar eclipse or the solar eclipse on August 21, then you have a front-row ticket to the show marked “Your Future”. The exceptional or the radical can come to pass. Whether you face a breakdown to breakthrough or you hit a ready-set-go trigger, your stars are programmed to golden opportunity.

      August 23 - September 23

      The lunar eclipse sets a new day-to-day reality into major play. You can get onto a next step or track quickly and more easily than is the norm. Beyond prompting a vacation or well-deserved time off, Monday’s lunar eclipse can reveal, expose, hit you with something, or provide a breakthrough of significance, especially regarding work or health.

      September 23 - October 23

      Something special to celebrate, something major on the buildup, or simply making the most it: the lunar eclipse hits your go-live button in some full-swing—perhaps exceptional and/or glorious—way. Overall, it’s life, luck, success, and your beating heart on the upswing. Yeah! It’s an excellent time to try your luck, reinvent yourself, better your best, and/or rev it up.

      October 23 - November 22

      Whether you have recently made a big change or are doing it now, the lunar eclipse can be a hit-home moment of realization. If you have not yet fully embraced the need for reinvention, the eclipse could act as a wake-up call. No matter if the prompt is jarring or liberating, see it for the exceptional opportunity it is.

      November 22 - December 21

      Put on the show; sit in the front row; or shake it up anyway you like. Jupiter/Pluto and the live-action lunar eclipse make for never a dull moment through Monday. A sudden inspiration, a singular moment, or something completely out of the blue could overtake you. The eclipse can springboard you/it in some great way or put you in the know, perhaps surprisingly so.

      December 21 - January 20

      Something unexpected could call for more time or investment. It is to your advantage to keep it going, to bring it back to life, or to renew it. A fresh infusion or update could make it seem like brand-new. On the other hand, if your heart isn’t into it, there’s someplace better to be.

      January 20 - February 18

      Monday’s lunar eclipse will be of especially high impact if your birthday falls on or near February 3, but, of course, it can be a dynamic catalyst for all. Jupiter’s influence softens what might otherwise be a sharp-edged transit. To the plus, it can prompt something exciting, opportune, new, and liberating. It’s an exceptionally opportune springboard time.

      February 18 - March 20

      Beyond an ideal time to enjoy a vacation, the local happenings, or a get-away-from-it-all weekend, something fresh and new is on percolate. Watch for the lunar eclipse to bring it to life, to prompt a stroke of genius, a saving grace, a breakthrough, or to crack it wide open. Monday through Wednesday, it’s all systems go.
