Liza, the Fox-Fairy a Euro take on magic-realism

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      Liza, the Fox-Fairy (Hungary)

      The backdrop for this phantasmagoric tale of a lonely maid—fetchingly played by Mónika Balsai—and the dead suitors she leaves in her wake is a capitalist version of Budapest in the ’70s. Sad Liza figures she must be the killer Japanese demon of the title, an impression encouraged by her only companion, the ghost of pop star Tomy Tani.

      Yes, we’re in magic-realism territory here, although converted to the euro.

      The artifice-heavy Liza has been compared to Amélie, but its flip darkness comes from the same macabre (and much more eastern) vein as Czech fantasy Valerie and Her Week of Wonders.

      Saturday at the Cinematheque (November 28).

      Follow Adrian Mack on Twitter @AdrianMacked.
