VIFF 2014: Love triangle at the core of Miss and the Doctors

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      Miss and the Doctors (France)

      The French title translates neatly as Stick Out Your Tongue, Miss, a much more fitting (and marketable) encapsulation of this wry and tender tale of two brothers, Dimitri and Boris Pizarnik (played perfectly by Laurent Stockler and Cédric Kahn, better known as a director), who fall in love with the same woman (The Girl From Monaco’s gorgeous Louise Bourgoin), single mother of a lonely diabetic girl.

      Talented writer-director Axelle Ropert doesn’t invest as much depth or credibility in the female characters as she does in our conflicted siblings. But the movie is great company and shows you lived-in parts of modern Paris you never see on-screen.

      Cinematheque, September 25 (4:30 p.m.); International Village, September 28 (5:45 p.m.) and 30 (10:30 a.m.)
