Holiday discs 2013: Erste Bilder's Christmas Songs Vol. One

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      Erste Bilder
      Christmas Songs Vol. One


      This five-song EP by Vancouver musician and cinematic sound designer Eric J. Paul draws inspiration from Brian Eno’s 1970s work (especially “Silent Night”, which is a dead ringer for “Another Green World”). That makes it perfect for any self-styled avant-gardists who love their holiday music to drone and shimmer, and also okay for anyone who doesn’t, for whom it will just fade into the general Glühwein-hazed ambiance of crackling fire and twinkling LEDs.



      Terrance Riley

      Dec 19, 2013 at 9:12pm

      This was playing at a party a bunch of times last night.
      Found it on iTunes, and saw that it's on Rdio and Bandcamp too, not sure about spotify/amazon.