Vancouver city council supports motion calling for extended patio hours

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      Vancouver city councillors have thrown their support behind extending patio hours.

      Council unanimously approved a motion from Mayor Gregor Robertson today (July 29), directing staff to identify both short-term actions and longer-term policy changes for expanding patio space and hours.

      “We’ve had an enormous amount of support voiced over the last couple of weeks, since this was raised,” Robertson said in council chambers. “We did increase the hours of operation during the Olympics, and that was very well-received as well.”

      Vancouver residents could soon see some establishments with a “good track record” identified by staff for test cases, according to Vision Vancouver councillor Heather Deal.

      “We will be speaking with people in neighbourhoods to ensure that we’ve got the right fit for the right neighbourhood, and we’ll be looking at who our best operators are now, for those who can test run it for us,” she said. 

      “We know that we do have quite a few vendors interested—people with great records and good locations that may well work for pilots over the summer.”

      Robertson said some of the longer-term changes may also require work with the provincial government, including changing the types of patios that are permitted.

      “As they modernize their liquor laws there may be a real opportunity to get all on the same page and get into the 21st century with how we embrace patios here in Vancouver, similar to how great they are in many other cities around the world,” he said.

      Deal said any potential pilot cases this summer would be at establishments that haven’t received complaints and are deemed to be in “low-risk” areas. She noted a consultation process will take place before any longer-term policy changes are made.

      City staff will issue a memo on any pilot projects between now and when council reconvenes in September.

      Under Vancouver bylaws, the hours of operation for large patios are from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

      Robertson’s motion called for staff to work with industry stakeholders and business improvement associations to identify near-term actions that are “revenue neutral” to increase patio hours and space for establishments with a good track record.

      It also called on staff to report to council with recommendations for other policy changes that improve the patio experience, including relaxing fencing restrictions and improving the efficiency of the permit process.




      Jul 29, 2013 at 6:28pm

      well it's about bloody time.

      what i don't understand is how is the city somehow proud of itself for 'extending hours during the olympics' yet gives its own tax paying citizens the shaft year in year out? all that does is send the message it cares more about the leisure time of visitors than it does of the city's citizens!

      Alan Layton

      Jul 29, 2013 at 8:03pm

      Finally council does something I like!!! Of course I don't live anywhere near a patio so the noise won't bother me. Vancouver really needs to start growing up a bit more and developing a night life. I don't mean the usual drunken 20 somethings, throwing up all over themselves on Granville St. but something that more mature people can enjoy. We need more patios and the extended hours on the existing ones will certainly help.


      Jul 29, 2013 at 9:49pm

      It's fine, as long as the patio isn't in close proximity to housing. I love patios, but nothing can ruin the blissful serenity of a Vancouver summer's night quite like a drunk girl with a bad cackle.

      Maybe now

      Jul 29, 2013 at 10:16pm

      The city can also include some places, patios, etc, that the older crowd can go.
      I think there are already plenty of venues for the 20-30s crowd. Like the commentor above has mentioned-they have Granville Street.
      Now the over 35-50 need their mature hang out places to enjoy.


      Jul 29, 2013 at 10:34pm

      Hmmm. I wonder if maybe the Donnelly Group and Granville Entertainment Group will be first up.

      Juan Carlos

      Jul 30, 2013 at 7:42am

      Perhaps NoFuncouver is becoming JustALittleFuncouver.


      Jul 30, 2013 at 8:51am

      "I think there are already plenty of venues for the 20-30s crowd. Like the commentor above has mentioned-they have Granville Street."

      What an ignorant & stereotypical comment ... like the selection of cheeseball bars on Granville even appeals to most 20-30 somethings ...
      Enjoy your Metamucil-tini on the patio of your 55+ complex, ya old codger?!


      Jul 30, 2013 at 9:08am

      Wow! Is Vancouver finally moving into the 21st century?