Racist Craig Cobb maintains whites-only dream

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      The Southern Poverty Law Center has another article on its Hatewatch site about Craig Cobb, a former Vancouver resident and virulent racist who wants to set up a whites-only community in Leith, North Dakota.

      Cobb is posting messages on the White Nations website, which was founded by a man named "Fred O'Malley", who was kicked off the racist Vanguard News Network site.

      O'Malley is, in fact, Stanley Edward Diggs, Hatewatch reports.

      "It is clear from Cobb’s posts on White Nations that he hasn’t given up on his dream of a white homeland, even given the bad press and uproar in Leith that has come in the wake of Hatewatch’s investigation," writes Heidi Beirich of the SPLC. "To show that he is staying put in Leith, Cobb has posted pictures of his plans for the town." 

      Not surprisingly, Cobb is getting a great deal of support on the White Nations site, according to Hatewatch.

      "Cobb’s White Nations posts have been defiant, and he continues his aggressive promotion of North Dakota as a homeland for white supremacists," Beirich adds.

      In 2010, Cobb was hanging around the Downtown Eastside and was known to frequent the local Waves Coffee House across from the old Vancouver Police Station.

      He was charged in 2010 with promoting hate after he continually posted bile on his site about Jews and immigrants.

      in a 2010 interview with the Straight, Beirich described Cobb as "a hard-core white supremacist who has been involved in the movement in multiple countries".



      Dumb Ass Cobb

      Aug 30, 2013 at 9:45am

      Has the Secret Service visited this Retard yet?

      North Dakota is Indian Country...

      American Indian presence

      Paul Kane witnessed and participated in the annual bison hunt of the Métis in June 1846 on the prairies in Dakota.

      North Dakota has a great number of Native Americans, and in fact the word "Dakota" is a corruption of a Sioux word meaning "allies" or "friends". The primary tribal groups originating in or around North Dakota, consist of the Lakota and the Dakotah (often lumped together as "Sioux"), the Blackfoot, the Cheyenne, the Chippewa, and the Mandan (now extinct).

      Social gatherings known as "powwows" (or pow-wows) are an important aspect of Native American culture, and occur regularly throughout the State. Throughout Native American history, powwows were held, usually in the spring, to rejoice on the beginning of new life and the end of the winter cold. These events brought Native American tribes together for singing and dancing and allowed them to meet up with old friends and acquaintances, as well as to make new ones. Many powwows also held religious significance for some tribes. Today, powwows are still a part of the Native American culture, and are attended by Native and non-Natives alike. In North Dakota, the United Tribes International Powwow, held each September in Bismarck, is one of the largest powwows in the United States.

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      Aug 30, 2013 at 2:01pm

      I know someone from Amman, Jordan with white skin, green eyes, naturally strawberry blonde hair, and freckles, and her mother tongue is Arabic and her religion is Sunni Islam. By defintion, everything about her except the last two characteristics makes her as white as Mike from Cannmore. Come to think of it, travel throughout Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and especially Turkey, and you will find a long line of people who share her qualities. If you didn't know them, you'de think they were Serbian or Russian or even Irish. To me, they are just as white as Joe Smith from Canada whose parents came on the Mayflower.

      There are white Europeans born and raised in Japan, their first language is Japanese, not English or French or Dutch or Swedish. Their physical appearance is white, but their identity and mind is 100% Japanese.

      Ask a white supremacist Canadian what constitutes white Canada, and the French Canadians are excluded from that defition all on a matter of language and different sect of Christianity. It excludes white-as-sheet European Jews, many of whom are as athiest and secular as Richard Dawkins. It excludes Welsh and Scottish and Irish and Breton Canadians because their roots are Celtic and not Saxon.

      White supremacism is a load of bullshit, whether it exists in a North Dakota commune, Hungarian parliament, or on the Rants & Raves section of Craigslist Vancouver. Cobb and people like Cobb cannot achieve their dreams of a "white nation" if there is no pure white or black or pink with purple polka dots person on this planet in the first place. And, if there were, who the fuck died and made them God? Furthermore, I hate to let them down, but "white Canada" and "white America" were founded on Native/Aboriginal territory. We shouldn't be speaking English and French, we all should be worshipping nature and speaking Cree, Mohawk, Navajo, Salish, Inuktitut, Cherokee, Lakota, and host of other indigenous languages.

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      Aug 30, 2013 at 5:16pm

      I should also note, "white Canada" and white supremacists also exclude true Caucasians, i.e. Georgains, Laz, Chechens, people from the Caucasus Mountains, because most are practicing Muslims. Even though these very same "white Canadians/Americans" label themselves as Caucasian people when being compared to other ethnic groups. This is the stupidity of this mentality.

      Human beings are the only species on earth to be stupid enough to hierarchy themselves based on physical features. If a female Lilac-point Siamese cat and a male Calico Persian cat are around eachother during mating maturation, they don't see markings, hair length, and eye colour.... they see future offspring!

      Grow up humanity.

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      Aug 30, 2013 at 7:30pm

      The $PLC?!?! Seriously?

      You know, the same organization which condemned The Lord Of The Rings movies for being <racist> while rating blatant anti-White movies such as Machete and Django Unchained as <pretty good>.

      This Charlie Smith character has the sources to match its petty tirades.

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