Gwynne Dyer: Violence rises in Iraq in midst of scandal around bogus bomb-surveillance devices

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      The media spotlight on the Arab world shifts focus almost every month: counterrevolution in Egypt, civil war in Syria, an American raid in Libya... It rarely stays on Iraq for long, because the violence there has been going on so long that it has become part of the scenery. But just be patient a little longer.

      Five months ago, a British fraudster called James McCormick was jailed for 10 years for selling novelty hand-held golf-ball detectors (cost $20) to the Iraqi government as bomb detectors (cost $40,000). Yet the Iraqi security services are still using the preposterous devices, which don’t even have a power source. This tells you all you need to know about the situation in the country

      It’s not because the Iraqis are unaware of the problem. McCormick allegedly received $75 million from the Iraqi government for the useless toys, and at least a third of that amount would have gone as kickbacks to the government officials who signed off on the deal. That much lolly was bound to attract the jealousy of rival government officials, and so there has indeed been an Iraqi investigation into the deal.

      Three local culprits, including Maj.-Gen. Jihad al-Jabiri, the head of the Defence Ministry’s directorate of combat explosives, even went to jail over the crime. (They were probably insufficiently generous in sharing their good fortune with other high-office holders.) But as late as last May Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was still insisting that the “ADE-651” golf-ball detectors were effective—and they are still in widespread use today.

      This is beyond bizarre, because Iraq is currently losing about a thousand lives a month to terrorist bombings. True, five times as many people are being killed each month in the civil war in neighbouring Syria, but civil wars always kill many more people than mere terrorism.

      The fear now is that Iraq is drifting towards a sectarian civil war as well. Maliki’s government, which is dominated by politicians from the Shia majority of the Arab population, effectively controls only about half the country. The Kurds, who would really rather be independent, control the north, and have little interest in inter-Arab disputes. And the Sunni Arabs deeply resent being under Shia rule.

      There has been a revolution in Iraq in the past decade, although it was not the democratic one that the American invaders thought they were bringing. In overthrowing Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship, they also ended many centuries of domination by the Sunni Arab minority. Now it’s Shia Arabs who rule the roost, and the Sunnis are largely frozen out of the government, the army, and the civil service.

      That may be even more important in alienating the Sunni community from the post-American settlement than the constant arrests and torture of Sunnis suspected of antigovernment activity. Unemployment in Iraq is 30 percent, and half the jobs that do exist are in the gift of the government. They almost all go to Shias, and the Sunnis have fallen on very hard times.

      Mass Sunni protests began almost a year ago, and until last April they were almost entirely nonviolent. Sunni terrorists belonging to al-Qaeda–related jihadist organizations— another by-product of the American occupation—were killing about 300 Shias a month, but they had little support in the broader Sunni community.

      Then in April the Iraqi (i.e. Shia) army raided a peaceful protest camp in Hawijah, killing about 50 Sunnis, and suddenly the violent minority of Sunni jihadists came to be seen as defenders of Sunni rights. In May the death toll from terrorism leaped to 700. By June it was almost a thousand, and by now some of them were Sunnis killed by Shia counterterrorists. July, August and September have each brought about a thousand more victims.

      This is heading back toward a civil war on the scale of what happened in Iraq in 2006-2007, under the American occupation, when some 3,000 people were being killed each month, and the government is doing nothing effective to stop it. But then, the government does nothing effective in any domain.

      The Iraq government gets $100 billion a year in oil revenue, but nothing gets built or maintained or repaired. Most people live in poverty, while the bulk of the oil income goes on salaries for government employees, a large majority of whom either don’t show up for work at all, or fail to do any useful work when they get there. The rest of the money is simply stolen by the government’s own senior officials.

      The fake bomb detectors are part of that vast hemorrhage of cash, and one possible reason that they have not been replaced yet is that some people will obviously make a lot of money out of the contract for whatever replaces them. Until the question of which people has been decided, nothing will be done.

      The soldiers and police using them in the streets don’t mind. If they should find a bomb in a car, the suicide bomber driving it will almost detonate the explosives and kill them. So a bomb detector that doesn’t detect bombs is just fine with them.



      Ilan Hersht

      Oct 10, 2013 at 2:00am

      This is sad.

      The Arab spring is most depressing because it rules out the more empowering theories about what is/was wrong with the ME politically. I think those hopeful that there would be a change for the better could not have reasonably hoped for more five years ago. Turns out that the pathologies of the political system were more of a symptom than we expected.

      Egypt is back under military rule. Libya is waiting for the next strongman who can control it. Syria is staring down a Lebanon style civil war and unstable aftermath. It appears the ME will get worse before it gets better.

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      a sceptical american

      Oct 10, 2013 at 4:45am

      The US undertakes to unseat a vicious dictator. What could possibly go wrong?

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      Oct 10, 2013 at 6:16am

      Iraq is a democracy now so the U.S. invasion was wholly successful in its goals. A profound achievement in today's cynical world!

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      Joe Molotov

      Oct 10, 2013 at 6:19pm

      Disaster Capitalism at work! But Dyer is right - who cares about yesterday's failed states, we're more interested in creating new Libya, Egypt, Syria!

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      Oct 11, 2013 at 2:04am

      To be expected I guess. One ethnic/religious group is dominant for decades, if not centuries, many times with colonial support, then the weaker group manage to turn the tables, and the cycle renews it self. Not to mention the US doing deals with anyone willing to sit in a room with them and Iran supporting their own people. I wouldn't be surprised if Saudi Arabia and Israel have their fingers in there as well.

      It is a shame. We are stilling seeing the effects of hundreds of years to colonial rule/domination.

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      Oct 12, 2013 at 11:29am

      America is nothing more than the despot dictators it puts in the place of the democratically elected governments it overthrew. look to the policies of colonialism and the centuries the European and then American governments that invaded other countries so their freebooters, thieves, murderers and corporations can steal their natural resources and lands. Now our neo con owned renegade CIA is working on their own to assassinate and mount coups in support of the trans global conglomerates who make the profits off the sale of military supplies, hardware and munitions, the theft of oilfields and the politicians bribed to enable the theft and murder.
      The despot dictators America supports, subjugate their people with intimidation, terror, rape, kidnappings and murder. They get the money the weaponry and munitions and the populations get nothing.
      America spends trillions to foist its policies on other countries and the only ones profiting are the military industrial complex, the foreign owned oil, energy and mining conglomerates, the bribed dictators and our very own Washington political prostitutes and judges with their personal, professional and investment relationships with the international white collar thieves and murderers.

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      I Chandler

      Oct 16, 2013 at 8:29am

      "$75 million from the Iraqi government for the useless toys, and at least a third of that amount would have gone as kickbacks to the government officials who signed off on the deal. "

      $ 75 million is a fraction what we are being sold. The military–industrial complex often produces useless toys that dont make anyone safer . How many lives have NSA toys cost? In 2005, NSA director Michael Hayden told a Senate hearing that the Trailblazer Project was shut down, after having cost billions of US Dollars:

      The ADE 651, device has also been purchased by other corrupt forces...It, was purchased by the Belgians, Lebanese, Chinese , and the Thai Police. The Belgian police bought them for £12,800 to detect drugs, as a supposedly cheaper alternative to a dog.

      The ADE 651 was also sold to customers in Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Georgia, India, Iran, Kenya, Niger, Qatar, Romania, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the United Arab Emirates and Vietnam

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      Oct 26, 2013 at 1:11am

      Saddam was a sunni, but he certainly did not give a damn about sunnis, shias or kurds. Many of Saddam Generals are Shias, Christians and even Kurds. To believe that the sunnis had the upper hand is as to say Obama is taking care of Chicago Southern ghettos and giving them the "Uppar hand yo"

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