Delays in preparing a community plan for Grandview-Woodland

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      It’s taking some time for Vancouver city staff to prepare a community plan for the Grandview-Woodland neighbourhood.

      As of early April, planners were still reviewing the 270 nonbinding recommendations made in June last year by the Grandview-Woodland Citizens’ Assembly.

      The assembly was convened by council following public backlash against initial ideas by staff about future development. Residents were particularly concerned about 11 proposed high-rise towers around the Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain station.

      A number of the recommendations made by the citizens’ assembly dealt with growth, suggesting modest heights for buildings and housing forms like townhouses.

      Dorothy Barkley was one of the 48 people selected to constitute the assembly. She currently chairs the Grandview-Woodland Area Council, a group that watches over issues affecting the neighbourhood.

      “Certainly, what our hopes are is that the planners will give significant weight to the community’s response,” Barkley told the Straight in a phone interview. “We haven’t always felt that the planners do pay attention to the community’s response. I think that’s a fair comment.”
