CBC Cross Country Checkup host Rex Murphy goes to the tar sands

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      At the moment, I'm listing to CBC Radio's Cross Country Checkup host Rex Murphy, who is broadcasting from Fort McMurray, Alberta.

      Murphy is a well-known critic of the scientific consensus on climate change.

      So it shouldn't come as a surprise that he is giving speaker after speaker free reign to trash environmentalists. One man even called greenies "anti-science, anti-business and anti-human", with nary a response from Murphy.

      That shouldn't come as a surprise. If you want to know what Murphy really thinks about climate change and the Alberta tar sands, check out this video:

      Rex Murphy defends the tar sands.

      Follow Charlie Smith on Twitter at twitter.com/csmithstraight.



      Plum Duff

      Mar 18, 2012 at 2:47pm

      Please stay there Rex, we need a canary in this coalmine.


      Mar 18, 2012 at 2:49pm

      The changing face of CBC { as it's choked to death ) once it was to unite Canadians now it is becoming the mouth piece for the oily Con.s
      WAKE UP CANADA and fight the good fight !
      We need diversity in business ( no single oily economy ) , investment and implementation in alternative energy ,
      NO pipelines to BC , build the refineries in Alberta , slow and cautious use of oil , AND GET THESE IDIOTs out of Parliament a.s.a.p !!!

      Rex was a big fan of Campbell

      Mar 18, 2012 at 3:00pm

      You know the guy everybody wanted to tar and feather before he left for other parts to get out of town. Rex didn't put a hex on him did he or was it the hst that sealed his fate? Greenies and the lefties and the boggy man are going get you sounds kinda childish instead of dealing with science and well know facts. The tar sands is no easy sell and makes you kinda wonder what was the appeal to Americans who bought up much of the shares and now got it on a slow pipeline to China

      Mark Fornataro

      Mar 18, 2012 at 3:21pm

      I realized how unbelievably reactionary and out of touch Rex Murphy was-especially on the environment- several years ago when Elizabeth May was on Cross Country. I was shocked at how rude and downright hostile Rex was to her.He hardly let Ms May get a word in edgewise. As John Lennon said"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see...'-Rex must be having a ball with his rose-tinted glasses on.

      N Beerman

      Mar 18, 2012 at 3:40pm

      Rex is and always has been an idiot that swallowed a dictionary.

      Puff piece

      Mar 18, 2012 at 3:57pm

      This was the biggest love in - it was ridiculous. Murphy is such a hack.


      Mar 18, 2012 at 4:07pm

      is it not bizarre that this province is being sold to China? is it not bizarre that all canadian natural resources are going overseas to be processed and bought back by canadians as plastic toys covered in toxic paint? bizarre indeed...


      Mar 18, 2012 at 5:26pm

      rex is from nfld and a lot of nfld'ers work in Alberta

      john smith

      Mar 18, 2012 at 6:03pm

      Rose coloured glasses for sure & worn by too many people. Canada is the banana republic of the north, stripped of its resources by foreign investors while the local peasants scramble for the crumbs. Surely we could do better - if only we had a more representative democracy.