What do you think about the media's coverage of domestic violence in the South Asian community?

Indira Prahst
Sociology instructor, Langara College

"The problem in the media depiction of domestic violence in the South Asian community is that, in many ways, the reader is left with the impression that violence against women is inherent in South Asian culture. The problem is the context in which the stories are related, headings that unnecessarily highlight the Indo-Canadian element."

Shashi Assanand
Executive director, Vancouver and Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services

"Statistics of violence against women across Canada are high, no matter what culture they come from. But every time it's one of the minority cultures, specifically South Asian culture, they seem to emphasize on the culture. I think that there is a general tendency to stereotype that there is more violence in the community."

Stephen Hart
Psychology professor, Simon Fraser University

"What we haven't seen is very direct discussion of what kinds of pressures might be responsible for some of the current problem of violence. Because people are afraid to discuss it, we're not dealing with it. I would like to see journalists talking to members of the community and asking them what the problem is."

Ninu Kang
Director of family programs, Multilingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communities

"I don't think it's warranted, not because there isn't spousal violence in the South Asian community, because there is. The issue is that it overshadows the seriousness of violence against women in general in Canada. It becomes quite sensational to focus on and really demonize that community. That's the easiest thing to do."
