Dungeons and Dragons creator Gary Gygax dies

Dungeons & Dragons may have once been considered for nerds, but since its beginnings in the 1970s, it has survived and thrived. It has spawned imitations, spin-offs, a TV cartoon, merchandise, books, video games, movies inspired by or making reference to the game, and propelled the whole role-playing industry.

It became an influential pop cultural force, finding popularity particularly among teenage boys and university students with its sophisticated rules and scenarios.

Although the traditional version was popular in the '80s (at which time debate arose about the negative effects it had on kids), it has since been adapted to computer and video game versions.

Its creator, Gary Gygax, died this morning at age 69.

Gygax may be gone, but the game, with its legions of fans, may never end.



John Lucas

Mar 4, 2008 at 3:52pm

It is sadly fitting that he died on <a href="http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.jsp?articleId=281474977275242" target="_blank">Worldwide GM Day</a>, meant to honour D&D Dungeon Masters and other game masters, those basement-dwelling souls who arguably work harder than the players who they put through their paces.


May 7, 2009 at 2:00pm

even the name gygax makes me think of my youth.....we spent so many hours playing D&D. It was so much fun and I'm sure it only had positive effects. I can't actually remember what the debate was on the negative sides - I presume it was regarding the devil/satanic from the bible bashers.

It was just fun and people communicated face to face.

Good times ...
