Your horoscope for July 24 to 30, 2008

According to the mystics, the mind is nothing but a storehouse of karmic impressions. Imagine that, folks.

We can say the same thing regarding astrology, for it is a medium of expression for all karmic events and all of human activity. In our daily lives, we forge the future with our thoughts and actions. We spin our own web of destiny, and it shows up clearly under the looking glass of astrology.

The planets, signs, and houses of the zodiac make up the cosmic alphabet, which a competent astrologer should be able to interpret easily. The positive highlights of your horoscope represent fortunate actions from the past, while negative and heavy indicators represent our indebtedness, and concerns regarding past-life negative behaviour. At different times in our lives, we will receive the positive or negative karma that is destined to come our way. Rather than wring our hands and create a lot of worry, we may want to look at whatever comes our way as a form of grace and an opportunity to work within the laws of compassion and forgiveness.

It’s one of the beautiful things about astrology—we can see the upcoming cycles and be psychologically and spiritually prepared to deal with what we have signed up for this time around. The laws of karma are immutable and exacting as we work with our chains of gold and iron.

We have a good week ahead, dominated by a triangle involving Mars and Jupiter. Planetary triangles represent an accord in which the two planets work together in harmony. Mars and Jupiter are fiery brothers, and lots can happen when these two interact. Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn are not the most expressive signs for them. This tells us that we will be in the mood to get things done properly, and that it might take some doing to get it all done. Actually, we see some progress and we may even step back and admire our handiwork.

Make sure that you take some time to enjoy the days. Venus and Neptune are in opposition on July 31, enhancing life in many ways. Our hearts are softened, and we naturally want to share our love; now is the time to do it. Love is in the air, and magic too. Maybe we’ve just been zapped by the amount of sunlight we’re getting.

March 21 - April 19
You may be in the mood to get a lot done, and now is the time to do so. It is also a time when Aries is receiving excellent planetary support. Romantic and creative energies flourish. Life will tend to flow a bit more easily over the next few weeks.
April 20 - May 21
July 25 could start off a bit bumpy, but things will smooth out nicely as you head into the weekend. Your ship is in, and it is laden with goodies. July 26 is a very special day, and you should make sure that you do something special. A big surge of energy and enthusiasm comes into play.
May 22 - June 20
The moon visits Gemini from July 27 to 29, bringing you into your lunar high of the month. July 27 is your kind of day—things to do, places to go, and people to call. Things could get hot by midday on July 28 as tempers flare. Diplomacy and kindness win the day.
June 21 - July 23
The moon passes through Cancer from July 29 to 31, enhancing life in many ways. July 30 may prove to be a special day, chock full of excitement and adventure. Curb the tendency to overreact emotionally. Surprises and opportunities come rolling in.
July 24 - August 23
Mercury the messenger enters Leo on July 26 as he joins up with the sun and Venus in the days to come. It’s your time to shine, and a busy time is indicated. Romantic energies are strong, and magic may work its mysterious ways. A solar eclipse on August 1 will bring some type of special circumstances into play.
August 24 - September 23
Mars and Saturn continue their journey through your sign, Mars bringing courage and Saturn bringing determination and discipline. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and good timing, casts special rays into Virgo, especially on July 26, which could prove to be a special day. Make it so.
September 20 - October 23
Your world may open up a bit as your solar house related to friends and groups is activated in late July and August. You may be visiting people who need your love or assistance in the days to come. It is a time to work through old karmic scenarios.
October 24 - November 22
A strong mix of planetary energies will create a push-and-pull effect, especially on July 25 and 26. Up and down you go. On one level, you are experiencing something fantastic; on another level, you may have to deal with some frustration and anger. Seek a balance and stay in the middle.
November 23 - December 21
The moon passes through your opposite sign, Gemini, from July 27 to 29. Matters related to home and career come up, and decisions may have to be made. High noon on July 28 tells the tale. The fur may fly, and you may fly somewhere special, possibly with someone special.
December 22 - January 20
The Mars-Jupiter triangle on July 26 brings special enhancements to your sign. It is a special time for Capricorn, and you should make something special happen in your life. What is truly justified as yours may come your way now. July 25 and 26 are dynamic days.
January 21 - February 19
Venus and Neptune cast glances from across the zodiac on July 31, bringing special circumstances of a romantic kind. Creative energies could be high. You are in your solar low, and you may need to take time to enjoy and let down a bit. Take your time with relationship energies until the smoke clears and you are clear-headed again.
February 20 - March 21
Home and relationship energies and activities take up your time. People may seem a bit edgy on July 27 and 28, and you will have to use your patience to deal with what comes up. Your health is a topic of interest now.

Mac McLaughlin conducts personal consultations. You can reach him at 604-731-1109 or through
