Mail Goggles from Google could end late-night e-mail shame

One of 21st-century life’s pitfalls (or should that be pratfalls) could soon be a thing of the past. Those lovely people at Google will soon be rolling out a system that will try to block late-night embarrassing e-mails to someone you might have a fancy for, a former lover, or even your boss.

Called Mail Goggles, it was created by Google engineer Jon Perlow, who wrote on the Gmail blog: “Sometimes I send messages I shouldn't send. Like the time I told that girl I had a crush on her over text message. Or the time I sent that late night email to my ex-girlfriend that we should get back together.”

The system will ask a potential sender a few short math questions within a short timespan to check their mental faculties.

Sounds like an invention we could all raise a glass too––if that didn’t land us in trouble later, of course.
