3:01 Pick Me Up: Massive Attack

Halloween is so close we can practically taste the candy corn and those horrible toffee things that come in the orange wrappers with the cats and witches on them. You know, the ones that instantly stick to your teeth and remain there for the next three days.

Okay, so this is more of a 3:01 Chill-Out, but it's the end of the week and we're tired, so cut us some slack. This video isn't exactly terrifying, but like all of Massive Attack's best clips, it exudes a vague, unsettling sense of creeping paranoia. Actually, "Karmacoma" is arguably a little less subtle than the videos for "Inertia Creeps", "Angel", and the like. Chalk that up to the film-history homages it contains. Can you spot them all? The most obvious is Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, a movie that we absolutely refuse to watch again under any circumstances because our shrink ordered us not to. PTSD and all that.



Virgil Hammer

Oct 26, 2012 at 5:26pm

Well played Mr. VINCENZO Well played.

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