The Georgia Straight proudly sponsors šxʷʔam̓ət (home)

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      From March 2 to 10, šxʷʔam̓ət (home) takes over the Firehall Arts Centre (280 East Cordova Street).

      Presented by Theatre for Living and performed by an Indigenous and nonIndigenous cast and production team, the play puts real, tough, current issues on the stage about the blockages we all face moving towards reconciliation.

      With the Canada 150 anniversary this past year and the closure of the Truth and Reconciliation offices in 2015, there are many questions about what these policies, proclamations, and apologies mean to all of us who call this place home.

      The production is part of the What Does Reconciliation Mean to You? Campaign and is the final large production of the theatre company.

      Tickets and additional info are available online.
