Distraction Free Day: Will you turn off your cellphone on September 7?

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      Can you survive one day without turning on your cellphone or computer?

      Without shopping too?

      That's what's involved if you observe Distraction Free Day on Labour Day (September 7).

      Here's what the Facebook event page says:

      A day to turn everything off. All electronics, phones, tablets, computers, modems...Turn off all planning agendas...No shopping. A day just to be.

      As Madonna sang, "If we took a holiday...just one day...it would be, it would be so nice."

      This is that one day. A chance for us to breath a sigh of release, relieve, a time for the Earth to be able to be a little free from the burdens we put on her.

      A day to be with ourselves, without distractions. To see ourselves. Our strengths, weaknesses, constant cravings.

      And very importantly how our constant distractions from our fears, anxieties, rage, jealousy, busy-ness...leads to some many if not all of the crises we are experiencing today.

      We don't want to face them. So what do we do. Consume, consume, consume, anything, everything, more more more. Just give me anything not to feel. Give me anything so I can numb out.

      DFD is a day to break this vicious cycle. To break free from our unconscious behaviours, conditionings, habits. And turn a new leaf of life over. One rich in consciousness, compassion, kindness and wisdom. Free from the clutches of conditioning.

      Distraction Free Day is the brainchild of Vancouver yoga teacher Tomas Hicks.

      Ironically, Distraction Free Day has a Facebook page.
      Thomas Hicks/Facebook

      Will you join him in taking a one-day social-media vacation?

      While you're pondering this question, here's "Holiday"...




      Aug 24, 2015 at 10:47am

      This is a dumb idea and I will most certainly be using my phone and computer.

      out at night

      Aug 24, 2015 at 11:13am

      This is a great idea and I hope I'll remember to observe the occasion.

      My phone isn't a problem as I'm just too stupid and lazy to bother using all the apps and ops on it, so it's mostly just a telephone to me and one I often neglect to turn on or check. The home computer's another story. I often switch it on for no particular reason. Like right now for instance!


      Aug 24, 2015 at 12:47pm

      I don't have a cellphone, they're brain-destroying technology. If I were in the Army, sure, but I'm not in the army, so I don't need to carry a radio.


      Sep 6, 2015 at 11:45pm

      I don't need an excuse to crank Madonna tunes!