we need a superhero in this city

if i have superpowers like The Flash i would find those drunk trash of the earth who punched the guy in granville, and i would punch them back 1000 times. i dream about having superpowers everyday. i would love to be able to teleport and have the healing factor, i'd be unstoppable. i would find all these trash of the earth and enjoy dishing out vigilante justice to all of them.


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Nov 30, 2015 at 3:13am

noble of you. but wasted energy. why not punch 1 time with the force of 1000 punches, instead of 1000 mini punches? anyway, i can't judge. if i could choose superpowers i'd take invisibility and just touch hot babes in the shower.

Heay wach out" thay could be the nexd ones you are takeing

Nov 30, 2015 at 3:55am

Pitty on. Your moov?

How about...

Nov 30, 2015 at 9:01am

Adults!! Adults that defend each other instead of having blinders on. Brotherly love instead of malcontent. Sisters who look to each for strength instead of looking down as weak.

You can't be trusted

Nov 30, 2015 at 9:49am

How can the public give the power to punch someone 1000 times without the niceties of a trial and conviction when this person is too sloppy and careless to even form a proper sentence.

Build up your super powers starting now: find the "Shift" key and start using it. Weird that the only thing you capitalized was "The Flash" -- what priorities you have kid.


Nov 30, 2015 at 10:27am

Sounds like you got a lot of energy built up. Why not get a job, instead of reading comix and playing computer games all day?


Nov 30, 2015 at 1:39pm

Whoa! Speed check...
How would you deal with your dark side? The 'Super' Ego & the desire to exact "justice"?
How would you balance your needs for vengeance, against real & fair need for "the good of humanity?
Both super man & spider man had father figures that put lots of time into instilling the virtues of being a good man over all else.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Here's to the spirit of Jonathan Kent & Uncle Ben; Heal your shadow & be a (super) Human being. Then & only then, assist & guide others during their struggle with themselves....


Nov 30, 2015 at 5:12pm

Nature would then provide a super villain.

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