Why this hate against the establishment?

I think the establishment provides me with shitty clothing, housing, and transit options... and lots of unpaid overtime. But I have food. I can live and breath without warring all day. That's not bad too. Some days though, I wouldn't mind riding on a horse and warring it up against the machine... Then I come back off my high-horse down to reality.


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In your reality maybe

Dec 8, 2017 at 1:19pm

Then you come back off your high-horse down to reality, and you remember that you're an insecure coward. Better to be a slave for the establishment, living off the scraps they give you after they take their cut of over half the wages that everyone else busted their asses working for, and as they slaughter their way across the globe for their own personal greed, and lust for power than go without your mac & cheese, or be dead yourself, right?

Stockholm Syndrome: feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.


Dec 8, 2017 at 2:32pm

The establishment is taking advantage of people, manipulating people, setting the rules to their unfair advantage. They're only willing to give as much as people are willing to ask for. Without people asking for minimum wages, pay equity, health & environmental standards, etc., there wouldn't be any of these things. To preserve peace, freedom, and prosperity for everyone, we need to hold those in power accountable.


Dec 8, 2017 at 7:18pm

Another contented slave.

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