Robson Square Market

CTV did a hatchet job tonight on the cannabis market at Robson Square. The spot shows the vendors exercising their legal right to detain someone that they caught stealing red-handed. A big shout out to the brave men and women down there who deployed a measured response to overt criminal activity. A big boo to the VPD officer who said that the market was a "priority" for the VPD. Selling flowers in public is a priority? People manning up and enforcing the common law against theft is something to be lauded. "The words ‘in a judicial proceeding’ are used to distinguish an action from matters we pursue not in a court but outside it, as when we pursue a thief who steals by night or by day, a robber or another, where it will be permissible for each to do right for himself without legal proceedings, with this exception, that if such are taken alive, life, death and member belong to the king" And to any VPD thinking about stealing from the Market: they know their rights. If you try to steal from them, they may arrest you.


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i do not like this post

Jan 12, 2018 at 11:39pm

the poster seems like a 420-communist.

9 14Rating: -5

@i do not like this post

Jan 13, 2018 at 1:03pm

Really, you think freedom sounds like communism? Tell me more!

Love from a 420 protest vender

Feb 7, 2018 at 10:20am

Hello writer, I'd like to thank you for your kind words and effort to expose the lies writen by some.
For 2 years our goal has been simple,
1. Free weed 4 Medical Needs
2. Equal rights for all cannabis users

To do this we protest and attempt to show the public we are not the monsters some paint us as.

We are not gone 420 market will always be set up until the federal government meets the demands of the supreme court and makes reasonable access for all Canadians. #FREETHEWEED #SAVETHECANNAGARDEN

7 5Rating: +2

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