Who else is sick of the (probably) one Dude posting MRA BS on Confessions all the time...?

One of his latest was a big whine-fest about joining Trumpists because the Vancouver Parks Board announced plans to have festivals provide strategies that protect women and other minorities from violence from men. Dude clearly has no idea that 79% and 81% of assaults are perpetrated BY MEN to MEN *AND* WOMEN RESPECTIVELY. To be clear: MEN ARE THE MOST ACCUSED OF VICTIMIZING BEHAVIOUR, BY BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. Dude, if you really give a shit about your rights being infringed upon, why don't you complain about all these Violent Anger Bros out there ruining it for you, instead of squawking about preventative measures that are taking away exactly zero of your rights?! Go on, get out there, Dude, and make a difference! Make men stop assaulting! *FROM STATS CAN "Profile of the accused In general, women most often reported being victimized by men regardless of crime type, and this was the case as well for male victims. Men were considered the accused in 81% of cases of violent victimization against women, and in 79% of cases of violent victimization against males; whereas females accounted for 10% of victimizations against females and 10% against males. These findings are supported by results from other studies in the United States, where the majority of perpetrators that came to the attention of the criminal justice system were men (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2006; Heimer and Lauritsen, 2008; U.S. Department of Justice, 2009)." See the rest of it here: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85f0033m/2010024/part-partie1-eng.htm


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Mar 17, 2018 at 9:06pm

... whenever we have stats that show women, aboriginal people, people of colour, etc. in this light the dogma is "over-representation." Why aren't we concluded that men are over-represented in statistics?

I volunteer with seniors, and lots of the older women, if you're making conversation with them and you say something they don't like, they'll swat you. I never report it to the police, because, hey, Grandma has a bad hip already, we don't need her to go to jail. But maybe it's just that women are always slapping, putting men "in their place," men are just conditioned to be servile and respectful toward women.

Worst post ever.

Mar 17, 2018 at 9:15pm

That was the worst posting that I have seen in my entire life. I didn't read through it all. Your stats were just obviously not researched very well (even worse than the actual stats).

Who else

Mar 17, 2018 at 9:46pm

Probably you, and every other third wave feminist around here.

Bet this "confession" will stay up

Mar 17, 2018 at 10:08pm

A week or so ago was a post by a guy,telling the abuse and financial abuse he suffered from women. From memory,one guy lost $100,000, another was $30,000, another was at $10,000 and many posted physical and emotional abuse they received.
Many thumbs up,confession was deleted by the GS censors,as I assume men being abused and complaining about it is "toxic masculinity" and a form of the patriarchy.
Man=always bad. Woman=always good.


Mar 17, 2018 at 10:17pm

I need to know what concrete steps are being taken to prevent future assaults on men by women. All I see are complaints that men's stories are being dismissed. Well, this is the Internet. The power is in everybody's hands. So mobilize. Take action. Do up infographics or something. Put together a sincere campaign (based on those sincere stories) to remind women to keep their hands to themselves because it IS a big deal. The more men complain without taking action, the less likely I am to empathize with them.

I know, right?

Mar 17, 2018 at 10:40pm

First you get the guy who_keeps _writing_like_this, then you get this other old dipshit who writes these long, arcane comments that try to sound smart, but basically boil down to, "white men are the REAL victims of discrimination."
And then there's the fanboy asshole who keeps writing about Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson all the god damn time because they also yammer horseshit that victim-ish white guys like to hear.

They got you...

Mar 18, 2018 at 1:44am

It should be obvious by now that there is a agenda to drive a wedge between the sexes so that both sexes would be at war with each other...basically killing care and love in the family dynamic in this world so that its easier to control us. Saying that some men are violent makes All men voilent is like saying all women are gold diggers...It seems way out there. Look up "social engineering"

I'm sick of

Mar 18, 2018 at 3:55am

... people trying to regulate the Confessions section. It should be a place of free speech. What you're trying to do (choosing who can post and what to post about) is more dangerous than someone trolling once in a while.

Evangeline Gage

Mar 18, 2018 at 4:21am

Oh, how wonderful! Another user who wants to cherry-pick stats.
I can do that too!

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nationally representative data revealed that over one year, men and women were equally likely to experience nonconsensual sex, and most male victims reported female perpetrators. Over their lifetime, 79 percent of men who were “made to penetrate” someone else (a form of rape, in the view of most researchers) reported female perpetrators. Likewise, most men who experienced sexual coercion and unwanted sexual contact had female perpetrators."

What about you, OP? Have you ever committed an act of rape? More importantly, how do we **TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE**?

Enough fun. Let's talk about the Vancouver Parks Board.
You referenced someone posting a "whine-fest" about the consideration of a policy that protects "women and other minorities" from male perpetrated violence.
Now let me ask, are you a feminist? Because last I checked, feminist doctrine never said anything about making women a protected class. What if women and "other minorities" start assaulting each other? What if women assault men?

Feminism dictates that everybody should have equal rights, and that includes safety. Does it not?
It seems the obvious goal should be to help keep *everybody* safe, rather than vilifying specific groups. Does that not seem reasonable?

I keep bringing up feminism because there are many obnoxious individuals on this board who identify as feminists. Almost all of them want to screech about how awful men are; all the while ignoring the very complex societal and economic factors that contribute to their behaviour. And now it seems increasingly likely that those factors might include being assaulted by a woman.

Social justice shouldn't be about creating division. That's what is happening, and it's a very dangerous thing.


Mar 18, 2018 at 7:45am

I think the readership of the straight is disproportionately poor compared to maybe a more mainstream paper. Full of far left and right. But the left should get priority...this paper was originally very liberal and progressive.

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