I lied

I told my boyfriend at the time I was on the pill. I later got pregnant. My excuse was that antibiotics reduced the effectiveness of the pill. Truth is that our relationship was on the rocks and I wanted to keep him....we're married and I've never told him (or even my closest friend).


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There is a name for this

Apr 14, 2018 at 6:25pm

You're abusive.

It is called reproductive abuse.

I am the result of a mom who put pins holes in the condom and tricked my dad into fatherhood.

Her abusive behaviour continued for a couple years so he left and and brought me with him.

She gets no $$$ without me there. I don't talk to her. I met her once in 32 years after their divorce. I have zero time for anyone who forced someone into raising me. Disgusting.

I resent her. I resent you.

I really did get accidentally pregnant once and went for an abortion in secret because after that bullshit mommy dearest pulled I didn't think anyone would believe it was an accident.

I'm your child 35 years later: you're a terrible person and your selfish manipulation has already messed this child's life up. I am living proof.

You are

Apr 14, 2018 at 6:33pm

A truly sad and pathetic person. Nothing like living a total lie. I hope he finds oit how pathetic u really are.

Reason Number 1

Apr 14, 2018 at 8:12pm

Out of 10, why guys want little to do with dating and relationships.
Not surprising,as 70-75% of first pregnancies are unplanned. Unplanned by the guy,that is.
Plenty of fake positive pregnancy tests for sale online: tell him you're pregnant,then say " oh well,I'm pregnant anyways we don't need birth control any more"

what's with

Apr 14, 2018 at 8:44pm

all the thumbs down? THIS is a confession folks!

Holy Sh#t, that's a confession.

Apr 15, 2018 at 1:53am

1 in 3 children are not the father's. Woman can be wicked just like the OP.

18 8Rating: +10


Apr 15, 2018 at 2:52am

you are an awful person. don't bring a kid into the world to save a relationship. it doesn't work and you end up with an unwanted child. you need to end this and go to therapy.

@Reason Number 1

Apr 15, 2018 at 8:51am

Which men are you referring to? Do you mean YOU? If men really cared about this particular issue they'd quit indiscriminately putting their peen in whoever they can. This isn't a relationship deterrent, it should be sex deterrent and we all know that's not happening.

Cowardice or bravery

Apr 15, 2018 at 9:09am

You didn't expect accolades did you? I suspect not. My sister did the same thing. 2x. It's the main reason why I have never got along with her. However, I treasure my niece and nephew as if they were my own. Despite my sister's major error in judgement she's done a great job in raising two wonderful human beings. I feel shame for not letting this go but after reading your confession I realize that maybe you're on a path to seek forgiveness. Now get off your phone, tell your husband and never EVER make your children feel like they were born for selfish reasons. You will probably spend the rest of your life paying for this. Be brave and make sure you raise other human beings that value honesty, integrity and respect for others.

You should come clean

Apr 15, 2018 at 9:58am

At the end of a 12 year relationship due to me not wanting kids my X told me her mother advised her to just stop talking her birth control and have one anyways
Thank god my partner had enough sense to disregard this advice.
Why anyone would do such a thing I cannot comprehend. No way I’d try to have a kid with someone that was dead set against it.

24 9Rating: +15

How the heck

Apr 15, 2018 at 10:12am

Do people give this a thumbs up? This should be considered criminal behaviour.

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