Japanese sex robots

I can see why they're getting big over there and why men are happier just working and being single for the rest of their life. It could lead to a more fulfilling relationship than a divorce and losing half of your property (likely more) while being labelled sexist bigots by the media and radical left.


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Apr 21, 2018 at 10:03am

Aww. The thing is while your constant posts are annoying, most of us feel bad you go through life with such a messed up world view.

Your Choice

Apr 21, 2018 at 10:38am

Great: one less bitter man on the market.

The biggest issue

Apr 21, 2018 at 11:12am

The robots lack passion. The sex would be boring and the human would be the dominant partner which some people don’t like.

I’m a guy...

Apr 21, 2018 at 11:16am

...and you need to do some research. Specifically around fanily law in the province of BC. Both parties of the couple walk out with what they walked in with and split the rest. Sounds pretty fair.

Meanwhile having sex with lifeless latex and having to clean up afterwards...sounds pretty boring and gross.

But hey, whatever turns your crank. Good luck.

Are you done yet?

Apr 21, 2018 at 11:43am

Have you finally gotten it off your chest that women are out for half your assets? Because we’re not: we’ve got well paying careers and don’t want your money. Or you for that matter.

Go ahead...

Apr 21, 2018 at 11:56am

For myself, I will hold out for a good, sexy woman to settle down with and hopefully have a family, or at least a happy home..

For sex.. biggest turn on for me is knowing I really am turning the woman on, pleasuring her.. you can tell the difference between mediocre sex and great sexual chemistry.. hard to do that with a robot.. I think part of what makes sex feel good, is knowing you are sexually desired by someone you find attractive.. it can be a confidence booster if you get laid after a dry spell..

Besides, imagine finishing and laying next to a robot? you're still by yourself.. no one to chat with, cook with the next morning.. go on roadtrips.. watch netflix.. sexy flirting and situations.. tell about your hard day at work..

kind of nice when a real live woman makes her intentions known that she wants to have her way with you, opposed to you plugging in your robot, lol.. the robot may serve a purpose for awhile.. but the novelty will fade.. and you will feel like a failure in society.. one that can't get an actual woman.. the robot will do the exact same thing for every dude near you, doesn't make you feel special like the right woman will;) I don't like the direction society is going..


Apr 21, 2018 at 11:58am

I agree if someone believes that they will find a more fulfilling relationship with a sex doll than a human being they should.

If the motives aren't because they are advocates for synthetic love but instead they genuinely believe a real human relationship will ruin their lives then they should definitely get a doll. Save the world from their grief and their spawn.

I mean...

Apr 21, 2018 at 12:01pm

My vibrators never say bullshit like this so I kinda get it.

These things have their place

Apr 21, 2018 at 12:46pm

Some people shouldn't inflict themselves on other human beings. Some people can't. And bear in mind that these are just sex toys like any other so we can lay off the moral panic.


Apr 21, 2018 at 1:18pm

Actually watched an interesting doc on CNN a out relationships and intimacy in different countries. Basically, it sucks for women worldwide for the most part....most women these days are career women, educated, making good money so they don't have to rely on men, and are not gold diggers. Far too many women worldwide fight simply for the right to access education to better their lives, but are prevented by men in various countries in doing so. Educate yourself first on the plight of women, and look at actual facts.

Men seek out trophy wives, and arm candy and these women want money and both use each other in their own gross ways.

It was sad seeing how many married women in Japan in the documentary wanted to have sex with their partners and are in sexless marriages, but the men went elsewhere to different clubs and paid for sexual experiences. It's very taboo to discuss intimacy etc. Which was a real shame.
Women have clubs they can go to, but there are no sexual exchanges. It's women paying thousands and thousands complaining about their crappy partners!!

Also, a very low birth rate in Japan which will have serious repercussions for their country, economy, and health care system as a certain number of births must be replenished. Why would any good woman want to put up with that?

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